Policy Manual

Annual Evaluation

GCSU places the most emphasis on excellent teaching in its evaluation of faculty members. Consequently, every GCSU instructor is required to administer the Student Rating of Instruction Survey (SRIS) in all courses per term during the fall and spring semesters. In this way, instructors obtain summative and also often formative feedback from students.

GCSU values learner-centered teaching, and it believes that effective assessment of teaching is entwined with assessment of learning. Therefore, the institution maintains that effective assessment must go beyond opinions collected from the SRIS. Seeking continuous improvement, every instructor at GCSU assesses teaching and learning in their classes with at least one instrument or measure. These assessments are in addition to the administration of the Student Opinion Survey.

Approval Date: Motion Number 2324.FAPC.001.P Motion signed by President Cathy Cox on March 22, 2024.