Graduate Catalog 2023-2024


EDEX 7110 Trends & Issues in Special Edu

Prerequisite: Admission into program. Critical discussion of contemporary trends and issues impacting the education of individuals with disabilities.


EDEX 7120 Critique of Special Educ Lit

Prerequisite: Admission into program. Analysis of literature related to contemporary issues impacting the education of individuals with disabilities.


EDEX 7130 Found in Evidence-Based Pract

Prerequisite: Admission to Special Education program. This course provides a foundation in evidence based practice, literature synthesis, and professional writing.


EDEX 7210 Research Methods

Overview of major designs and research methodologies in the field of special education.


EDEX 7220 Appl of Research Lit in Sp Ed

Exploration of classroom applications of literature in selected area of interest that addresses an issue in the education of individuals with disabilities.


EDEX 7230 Curr Pedagogy Plan for Spec Ed

Curricular and pedagogical decisions are influenced by many variables, which educators consider almost simultaneously as they make thousands of decisions every day. In this course students will explore common pedagogical principles which are relevant to the unique differences between all pupils, while recognizing the need for intense and focused teaching approaches for those receiving special education services. Through an exploration of research and its implementation, students will discover the pedagogical solutions needed to support varying needs.


EDEX 7310 Research Design

Faculty and peer review of research proposal to problem solve design and approval issues. Development of final research proposal required.


EDEX 7320 Directed Readings

Under the supervision of a specialist in the field, students will refine and complete an extensive review of the literature for their proposed area of research. Research project design options will also be explored.


EDEX 7410 Research Implementation

This course supplies faculty supervision during implementation of specialist student's research project.


EDEX 7420 Leadership/Collaborative Learn

Overview of collaboration theory and techniques with emphasis on applications to creating school learning communities.


EDEX 7510 Specialist Thesis

Capstone experience through which specialist research project is completed. Dissemination of research results for school improvement is required.
