Graduate Catalog 2023-2024

Instructional Technology M.Ed. (Online)

This program is designed to provide advanced technology skills and knowledge to the professional educator, instructional developer, or instructional technologist who intends to work in occupational areas where formal certification is not required. Level Four certification in a teaching field is not required for admission. An S-5 certificate is issued upon completion of this program. This program may allow teachers who have a Level Four certificate to advance to a Level Five while developing technology skills for the classroom.

M.Ed. Prerequisites

  1. Meet minimal Grade Point Average 2.75
  2. Hold or be eligible for a clear renewable, level four (4) Georgia Teacher Certificate-except Instructional Technology and Library Media Programs

M.Ed. Admission Requirements

1.   University Admissions Form including application fee, if applicable.

2.   Two professional recommendations

3.   Official transcripts from all colleges/universities attended. Applicants must hold a baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited institution to be eligible for admission into a graduate program at Georgia College.

4.   Minimal GPA of 2.75


M.Ed. Advisement

The Department Chairperson, in cooperation with the departmental admission committees and program coordinators, assigns each admitted student to an advisor in the chosen area of study. It is the responsibility of the student to meet with the assigned advisor to develop an individualized program of study that meets the course work requirements. A signed program of study must be filed with the Departmental Chairperson in order to be fully admitted.

M.Ed. School Improvement Emphasis

The core for the majority of the M.Ed. programs at GC is school improvement. In this program, educators focus on issues central to school improvement while also learning about best practices in their fields (e.g. early childhood, middle grades, secondary, special education, leadership, library media, and instructional technology). Based on data gathered in their own schools, educators begin to examine questions such as “What is school improvement? How does change occur? What changes need to be made at my school to best facilitate student learning?” Participants have the opportunity to enroll in classes with other educators from their school, thus creating a cluster of individuals ready to address school improvement as a team. This work is negotiated among educators, their administration, and professors. Through this experience, teachers examine their school and create a plan for investigating a problem and developing new practices. Results of school improvement interventions are shared with a wider professional community.

M.Ed. Program of Study

The Master of Education degree requires a minimum of 36 semester hours of course work in professional education, the certification area, and program requirements or electives. The degree program must be completed within six years beginning with the initial date of course work. Students may be required to take more than the minimum 36 hours in order to qualify for certification in initial certification programs. Only those courses listed on the Program of Graduate Study fulfill degree requirements. Substitutions must be approved by the advisor prior to course enrollment and a Change of Graduate Program of Study form submitted to the appropriate departmental chairperson prior to enrollment. Grades below a C do not fulfill degree requirements.

M.Ed. Graduate Assistantships

Limited Graduate Assistantships are available. Applications can be accessed at: assistants-the-graduate-school

Academic Dismissal Policy

Per graduate graduation requirements, a graduate student must maintain a minimum institutional GPA of 3.0 in the degree program.  A graduate student cannot earn less than a grade of C in any course to be counted for degree credit.  When a graduate student’s institutional GPA falls below 3.0, that student is placed on graduate academic probation.  It is critical at this point for the student to seek guidance from his/her academic advisor in order to identify strategies for raising the institutional GPA and completing the program.  

An Instructional Technology student has the semester following placement on academic probation to raise his/her GPA to a 3.0 or above.  If the student does not raise his/her institutional GPA to the required level, the student will be dismissed from the program.  

Plagiarism Policy

As outlined in the university Honor Code, commitment to personal integrity; respect for the ideas, values, and property of others; and dedication to abide by the rules of the university lead to a responsible and honorable Georgia College community.  Submitting another’s work as your own is plagiarism.  Allowing another to copy your own work is cheating.  Specifically, Instructional Technology students are expected to behave honestly and ethically in regards to copyright and plagiarism.  Use print and online information appropriately.  Do not copy the work of others and treat it as your own.  Credit authors, organizations, and websites by referencing your sources. 

Identified cases of plagiarism within the program will be addressed in a timely manner.  The first case of plagiarism will be dealt with by the course instructor and documentation placed in the student’s file.  The Georgia College Plagiarism Rating Scale will be used to assess the severity of the case.  A second case of plagiarism by the student will result in referral to the Georgia College Student Judicial Board and possible dismissal from the program. 


Program of Study

Required Courses

Satisfactorily complete the following courses:
EDIT 6210Found of Instruct Technology


EDIT 6275Instructional Design


EDFS 6225Iden Prob:Socio-Cultural Issue


EDIT 5202Technology for Teachers


EDIT 6960Internship/Capstone: Lib Media


EDFS 6231Rsch for School Improvement


Total Credit Hours:18

Elective Courses

Satisfactorily complete six (6) of the following courses:
EDIT 6202Adv Technology for Teachers


EDIT 6230Evaluation


EDIT 6258Design & Dev of Digital Media


EDIT 6226Online Learning Environments


EDIT 6220Emerging Tech for the Classrm


EDIT 6598Special Topics


EDEX 6111Exceptional Ind in Reg Classes


EDIT 6263Info Tech in the Media Center


EDIT 6256Info Srcs and Serv in Med Cent


EDIT 6254Operation of the Lib Med Centr


EDIT 6262Young Adult Lit/Media Center


EDIT 6264Children's Lit in Media Center


Total Credit Hours:18

Total Credit Hours: 36


EDEX 6111 Exceptional Individual in Regular Classes is required only when this course has not been completed during the student's undergraduate degree work. Per HB 671, students must earn a grade of “B” or better to fulfill this requirement.   

EDIT 6202 Advanced Instructional Technology for Teachers can be used in place of EDIT 5202 Instructional Technology for Teachers when that course was completed by the student during undergraduate degree work. 

Further Information

Prospective students desiring further information on graduate programs may contact Shanda Brand, Graduate Director, at Georgia College, Campus Box 70, Milledgeville, GA 31061.

Phone: 478-445-1383.  (Toll free in Georgia at 1-800-342-0471, extension 1383)