Graduate Catalog 2023-2024

Activities and Organizations

Art Exhibitions

The Department of Art provides an exhibition program that brings to the campus contemporary works of art in ceramics, drawing, fiber arts, installation, painting, photography, printmaking, performance art, sculpture, and time based media by recognized artists. Exhibitions are held in the University’s Blackbridge Hall Art Gallery.

Arts Unlimited Committee

The Arts Unlimited Committee, made up of students, faculty and staff, brings programs to the University and community on various topics of cultural and social interest. The Town and Gown Series, a program sponsored by the Arts Unlimited Committee in conjunction with the Milledgeville-Baldwin County Allied Arts, offers lectures, concerts and dramatic productions throughout the year. Arts Unlimited is coordinated through the College of Arts and Sciences.

Campus Activities Board

The Campus Activities Board is the university's programming board and is responsible for planning, scheduling, and publicizing films, concerts, novelty acts, dances, and other campus events. The program provides opportunities for students to develop interests and skills in many areas. Events are open to all students, faculty, staff, and alumni.

Choral Activities

Max Noah Singers: The Max Noah Singers, named in memory of the former chairman of the Music Department, is a choral group made up of select singers. Emphasis is placed on polished performance of the best literature in all genres. The group takes an annual tour each spring term. Open to all members of the University community by audition. Students may receive academic credit for participation.

University Chorus: The Georgia College Chorus is a group of singers who perform a variety of choral selections from all periods of music history. The group presents concerts on campus each semester. Membership is open to all University students, faculty and staff by audition. Students may receive academic credit for participation.

Women’s Ensemble: A non-auditioned choral organization focusing on the study and performance of a variety of choral literature specifically for women’s voices. Open to any female members of the University community. Students may receive academic credit for participation.

Cultural Events Series

A varied selection of programs, including recitals, concerts, lectures, poetry readings, and theatrical and dance performances, is offered each semester. These programs are sponsored in part by the Departments of Music and Theatre, Arts Unlimited, and Extended University.


There are two dance programs available at GC: a non-credit, community dance program and a minor in dance program. All university students are welcome to participate in both programs. The Nutcracker and two spring dance concerts are the three yearly performing opportunities. There are classes that are open to anyone from the beginner to the advanced dance student. Dance programs are housed in the Theatre Department.


Georgia College operates a student-run educational FM radio station, WRGC, at 88.3 FM. The Georgia College radio station provides opportunities for students to experience all facets of radio station operation, including live broadcasts of activities and events.


The faculty directed season has three productions per year, and numerous guest artists. In addition, student directed work - designed for smaller, more adventurous plays are produced each year. Auditions are held each term for each production. Look for announcements through campus e-mail and posted on bulletin boards around campus or contact the main office at (478) 445-4226.

Instrumental Activities

Chamber Music: There are a variety of chamber ensembles open by audition to all members of the University, including string ensemble, woodwind quintet, brass quintet, percussion ensemble, jazz combo and others as personnel allows. Whether your instrument is alto sax or xylophone, or anything in between, the Music and Theatre Departments will try to find an enjoyable music activity for you. Call (478) 445-4226 for more information.

Concert Band: The Georgia College Concert Band is open to all interested instrumental musicians on campus. This group performs a variety of band literature each semester. This is the main instrumental group on campus and its members represent all schools and major areas of the University. Students may receive academic credit for participation.

Jazz Band: The Georgia College Jazz Band is an auditioned group. To audition, all participants must be a performing member of the Concert Band, with the exception of the vocalist, bass guitar and pianist. This group performs a variety of music that includes jazz, swing and blues. The Jazz Band performs at campus concerts each semester, community events and travels on a recruitment tour each Spring. Students may receive academic credit for participation.

Pep Band: The Georgia College Pep Band performs at all home men’s and women’s basketball games and at the annual Peach Belt NCAA II tournament. Membership in this award-winning group is open to members of the Concert Band by audition, which is held in the Fall. Each member receives a stipend for participation.

Anyone interested in the following groups should contact the Departments of Music and Theatre, Georgia College, CBX 066, Milledgeville, GA 31061, or telephone (478) 445-4226.

Religious Life

Adjacent to the campus are two religious centers, Baptist Collegiate Ministries and the Wesley Foundation. Each center is coordinated by a full-time minister and sponsors a variety of programs. Local churches offer fellowship and special programs for college students in addition to weekly services.

Student Publications

The Colonnade is the Georgia College student newspaper published throughout the academic year. The staff is composed of students and the faculty advisor.

The Peacock’s Feet is an interdisciplinary student-oriented magazine that publishes poetry, fiction, and art by members of the Georgia College community.

The Corinthian: The Journal of Student Research at GC publishes high-quality articles by GC students and abstracts of scholarly and research articles and presentations by GC students and their faculty collaborators. The Corinthian is sponsored by the Office of Academic Affairs and the Graduate School and Research Services.

Student Government Association

The Student Government Association’s purpose is to deal with issues concerning students, to promote understanding within the University community, and to administer all matters that are delegated to the student government by the President of Georgia College. The responsibility for the governing of the student body is vested in the students themselves. Officers are elected each Spring Semester on an annual basis by the student body. The SGA has representation on most university-wide councils and committees. The SGA offices are located on the first floor of the Student Activities Center.

Student Organizations

Over 170 clubs, organizations, and honorary societies exist for students who are eligible to participate. For a comprehensive list of student organizations at Georgia College, please visit our website.