Undergraduate Catalog 2023-2024

Minor Requirements

Minors may only be earned and will only be awarded in conjunction with a bachelor's degree. They will not be awarded as an independent credential. 

To qualify for a minor from Georgia College, students must satisfy all of the following requirements:

  1. Satisfactorily complete a minimum of 15 semester hours for the minor. Some minors will require additional hours.
  2. Satisfactorily complete a minimum of 9 semester hours at the 3000-4000 level.
  3. Satisfactorily complete a minimum of 10 semester hours in residence at Georgia College. 
  4. Include the minor when submitting a graduation application to the Registrar’s Office, 107 Parks Hall, by the dates indicated in the official University Calendar.
  5. Satisfactorily complete all requirements within ten calendar years from the date admitted to Georgia College. 
  6. Satisfactorily complete all requirements using the catalog in effect when the student was admitted to Georgia College, or a later catalog, provided that enrollment is continuous. Students who are not enrolled for one semester or longer, excluding the summer term, must use the catalog in effect at the time of their return to the University.  All of a student's degree, major, minor, and core requirements must be met using the same catalog year.
  7. Satisfactorily complete all requirements for the degree no later than the last day of finals in the term in which the degree is to be awarded. Students who fail to meet this deadline will not receive their degrees until the next posting period.

Courses used to satisfy core Areas A –E may not be counted as coursework in the minor. Departments may specify additional requirements for a minor; these additional requirements are included in the minor program of study in this catalog.

Federal financial aid will not pay for a minor course unless that course is also necessary to complete the required number of hours or the required number of upper-level hours required for a degree.  Contact Financial Aid if you have questions about your federal aid eligibility.