Graduate Catalog 2024-2025

Biology M.S.

Alfred J. Mead, Ph.D. Coordinator


Phone: 478-445-1091


The Master of Science degree in Biology consists of 36 hours of graduate work. A student can pursue either the thesis or non-thesis option. All graduate students (thesis and non-thesis) must successfully complete as an undergraduate or graduate student at least one course each in cellular/molecular, ecology/evolution, and organismal biology before receiving a Master's Degree. The Department Chairperson and/or Graduate Coordinator will resolve questions concerning courses in these areas.

Requirements and Conditions

In order to apply for admission to the graduate program in the Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences you must meet the following criteria.

  1. Hold a baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited institution with evidence for success in graduate work.

  2. If you are presently enrolled in or have taken graduate courses elsewhere, you must be in good standing at that institution to be eligible for admission to graduate study at Georgia College & State University. Nine (9) credit hours may be transferred from other accredited institutions.

  3. If Biology was not your major, then to receive regular admission you need at least 30 hours of undergraduate course work in Biological Sciences. If you do not have enough hours, you can be admitted contingent on completing enough undergraduate courses to fulfill the 30 hours. The graduate coordinator and/or your graduate committee will help you decide what undergraduate courses you need.

  4. Undergraduate students within 6 hours (two courses) of graduation and who have at least a B academic average in the major subject may enroll for graduate courses. Approval must be obtained from the graduate coordinator, academic advisor, and the instructor for the class prior to registration (use a regular add/drop form). Graduate work taken under this provision may not be used to meet undergraduate requirements. No more than 6 semester hours (two courses) of graduate work may be completed prior to the completion of baccalaureate degree requirements and admission to the Graduate Program as an applicant for a graduate degree.

  5. Transient Students - A student in good standing at another regionally accredited graduate school can enroll as a transient student at Georgia College for one semester. In lieu of the usual transcripts and test scores, this student must submit a letter from the registrar where the student is regularly enrolled that certifies good standing and recommends admission to Georgia College as a transient student. Transient status means that a student is admitted to GC for normally a single semester, with the understanding that the student will return to the student's own institution for the next term.

  6. International Students - Must attain minimum language scores as follows (TOEFL/IELTS scores MAY be waived if undergraduate school was completed in USA):

    • IBT (Internet Based TOEFL Test) - 23 in listening portion, 23 in speaking portion, with overall score of 80 to be eligible for a Graduate Assistantship. An overall score of 79 is required for international students seeking admission without a GA (no minimum score is required in any specific portion of the test for non-GA's).

    • IELTS (International English Language Testing Service) - 6.5 in listening portion, 7.5 in speaking portion, with overall score of 6.5 to be eligible for a Graduate Assistantship. An overall score of 6.5 is required for international students seeking admission without a GA (no minimum score is required in any specific portion of the test for non-GA's.)

    • PBT (Paper Based TOEFL Test) - is ONLY utilized if both the IBT and IELTS are unavailable. A minimum overall score of 625 is required to be eligible for a Graduate Assistantship. An overall score of 550 is required for international students seeking admission without a GA (no minimum score is required in any specific portion of the test for GA applicants or non-GA's.)

Useful Information - A variety of information is provided at the sites below:

For a variety of general information:

For online application:

For online international application:

For costs and other financial information:

For graduate assistant application:

For information on our department:

Application Procedure

In order to complete your application you should:

  1. Submit an application (with application fee) to the Graduate Admissions Office.

  2. Submit official transcripts from ALL colleges and universities attended.

  3. Submit a Statement of purpose (1000 words maximum). The GRE is optional and may replace the statement of purpose score, if higher. However, the application will not be considered complete without the statement of purpose (required). If you would like for your GRE to be considered, submit an official copy of GRE exam scores.

  4. Complete a Certificate of Immunization Form.

  5. For thesis/research students, optionally (strongly recommended) request a letter of support from a professor within the Biology department at Georgia College who is interested in beginning immediate collaboration with you. This will add 75 points to your admission score.


Admission to our program is currently based on an overall admission score calculated from several factors. The minimum required admission score is 820 and the minimum Statement of Purpose score is 286.

Currently, our score is generated from:

  1. Statement of Purpose score (minimum of 286). May be replaced with optional GRE score if higher.

  2. Undergraduate GPA.

  3. Research experience (in the form of publications and/or papers presented at professional meetings).

  4. Previous Master of Science degree with thesis.

  5. Letter of Recommendation. This letter of recommendation should come from one of our faculty and indicate their willingness to immediately begin collaborating with you. This will add 75 points to your admission score.

The overall admission score is computed as follows:

Admission score = Statement of purpose (or GRE as noted above)  + GPA X 178 + publications (60 pts/publication, maximum 120 pts) + papers/meetings (15 pts/paper, maximum 30 pts) + letter of support (75 pts for one letter only) + previous Master of Science degree with thesis (75 pts per degree).

If admitted to the program, you will have regular, provisional, transient, or enrichment status.

Regular Status

The following admission standards are required for regular admission to the Master of Science program in Biology.

  1. A bachelor's degree from an accredited institution.

  2. A minimum of 30 hours of undergraduate biological sciences course work.

  3. Statement of purpose minimum score of 286.

  4. An admission score of greater than or equal to 820 (see above).

Students with regular status are eligible to apply for a Graduate Assistantship.

Provisional Status

Applicants may be assigned provisional status if they apply too late for full consideration for admission and/or have not submitted all required documents for evaluation, and/or at the discretion of the graduate coordinator for borderline admission scores. Students with provisional status are not eligible for an assistantship. While in this status you may register for one semester only, by completing a Georgia College Provisional Registration Agreement form that requires the signatures of both the student and the Graduate Coordinator. Any student who registers under this agreement must be admitted to regular status by the end of the first semester of enrollment to continue taking courses in the degree program. Since you can only take a total of 12 credits during provisional status, you must obtain at least a "B" in each class in order to remain in the Graduate Program. You will need to see the Graduate Coordinator in order to have your course selection approved. The 12 credits maximum that can be earned in provisional status may be reduced according to the number of hours a student has earned in enrichment or transient categories. In no instance will more than a total of 12 semester hours from any one or a combination of the provisional, enrichment, or transient designations be counted toward a degree program.

Transient Status

GC graduate students with regular status may take courses as transient students at other institutions that will count toward their degree at Georgia College. Graduate students in good standing and who have been enrolled within the last five years are eligible for transient status. You must petition the program coordinator and obtain the approval of your faculty advisor for the specific courses prior to enrolling at the other institution. Finally, you must have the other college/university send a transcript of the courses to the GC Office of the Registrar. Ordinarily, students are permitted to be transient students away from the University for only one semester and up to 9 credits.

Enrichment Status

There are no specific admission score requirements. A student with a baccalaureate degree can enroll in graduate courses for purposes of self-improvement or enjoyment as an enrichment student. Should the student later decide to transfer to a degree seeking category, no more than 12 semester hours of credit earned while in this category may be applied toward a graduate degree program and then only if approved by the Graduate Coordinator (minimum Statement of Purpose and admission scores will be required).

Academic Dismissal Policy

If the overall graduate GPA of a graduate student falls below 3.0, the student is placed on academic probation. The student has one academic semester (Fall or Spring) to raise the overall GPA back to 3.0; failure to do so will result in academic dismissal and, if applicable, the loss of graduate assistantship. Students can reapply after one semester. Readmission is not guaranteed. If readmitted, students have two contiguous academic semesters (Fall & Spring/Spring&Fall) to attain an overall 3.0 GPA.

Graduate Committee

A graduate committee is formed for thesis students in regular and/or provisional status.

  1. The Graduate Committee must be composed of at least three full-time faculty members and at least two of the members must be graduate faculty in the Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences.

  2. Prior to registering for the third semester, the student's major advisor and the committee composition must be determined.

Thesis Option

  1. Program of Study A total of 36 semester hours is required for graduation. Of the 36 total hours, 30 hours of course work are required. This is broken down into the following components: 2 credit hour BIOL 5915 (graduate seminar) is required during the first fall semester of enrollment; 6 hours of BIOL 6970 (thesis hours) are required; at least 9 hours of 6000-level course work (excluding BIOL 6940,  6960, and 6970) are required; and the remainder is made up of 19 hours of any combination of approved 5000-level and 6000-level course work which may include up to six hours of Independent Study (BIOL 6940). By the end of the first semester (before registration for the second semester or before the next semester after 9 hours are completed) the student must meet with the graduate coordinator to determine a program of study that most effectively compliments both the academic history and future plans of the student. Additional remedial undergraduate course work in biology may be required in addition to graduate-level course work.

  2. Thesis Students must successfully complete a thesis research project that will be supervised by the student's Primary Advisor and Graduate Committee. The research will typically last for approximately one year or field season and often takes place over the summer.

  3. Final defense  The final thesis project must be presented at a public forum. This consists of an oral presentation of the thesis research as well as a defense of the thesis. The student's Graduate Committee will administer this examination. A final copy of the thesis (as determined by the major advisor) must be distributed to the graduate committee at least two weeks prior to the defense. The defense must occur prior to the final exam period of the semester the student plans to graduate. A thesis defense is virtually impossible to conduct during the summer since many faculty are away. Passing of the defense will be determined by a favorable simple majority vote of the committee members. A second attempt at the defense cannot be scheduled until at least 90 days after the original failure and must occur no later than one calendar year after the initial failure. Only two defense attempts will be allowed. Upon successful completion of the defense, the Dean of the College Arts and Sciences must approve the thesis. Once approved, the student will submit a PDF of the thesis in the Knowledge Box hosted by the University Library. A PDF of the thesis must be submitted to the graduate coordinator as proof of completion. The production of bound copies is at the discretion of the Primary Advisor. 

  4. Changing from Thesis to Non-thesis  A student may switch to the Non-thesis option at any time during their course of study.  However, they will be required to meet the Non-thesis option course requirements listed below. 

Non-Thesis Option

  1. Program of Study A total of 36 semester hours is required for graduation. This is broken down into the following components: 2 credit hour BIOL 5915 (graduate seminar) is required during the first fall semester of enrollment; at least 15 hours of 6000-level course work (excluding BIOL 6940, 6960, and 6970) are required; and the remainder is made up of 19 hours of any combination of approved 5000-level and 6000-level courses. By the end of the first semester (before registration for the second semester or before the next semester after 9 hours are completed) the student must meet with the graduate coordinator to determine a program of study that most effectively compliments both the academic history and future plans of the student. Additional remedial undergraduate course work in biology may be required in addition to graduate-level course work.

  2. Non-thesis. The student will complete a research paper in the graduate seminar course (BIOL 5915; this course is required of all graduate students.) This paper will be organized to conform to the standards of an appropriate research journal and will be defended at a public forum.  This oral presentation and defense of the ideas and concepts presented within the paper must occur during the semester the student is enrolled in the BIOL 5915 course.  Passing of the defense will be determined by the Instructor of record for the BIOL 5915 course.

Additional Program Information

  1. For students pursuing the thesis option, at least 9 hours of 6000-level courses (graduate student only courses) must be taken, not including Thesis Research (6970), Internship (6960), and Independent Study (6940). The 6000-level courses (excluding those mentioned) must meet the following criteria: 1) be open to all graduate students, 2) meet regularly, 3) have scheduled assignments, and 4) cannot be open to undergraduate students. If more than 9 hours of 6000-level courses are taken (excluding those above) then correspondingly fewer 5000-level courses are required to meet total graduation requirements. For example if 9 hours of 6000-level courses are taken then 21 hours of 5000-level courses would be required for the thesis option; however if 12 hours of 6000-level courses are taken then only 18 hours of 5000-level courses are required. Students pursuing the non-thesis option must take at least 15 hours of 6000-level course work (excluding BIOL 6940, 6960, and 6970).

  2. You have 7 years to complete your graduate degree from your first date of enrollment. Courses that are transferred from other institutions must fit into the seven-year time frame. If you extend past the 7 year deadline you can apply for readmission and then petition for reinstatement in the Biology Program.

  3. The normal time for completing a Masters Degree in our department is two years. Eligibility for a graduate assistantship is only for two years (24 months) applicable to the completion of one graduate degree. Once a student has completed a graduate degree, whether that program of study required one year or two, the student is no longer eligible for a graduate assistantship.

  4. You can transfer up to 9 credits (~one semester) from another accredited institution with the approval of the graduate coordinator.

  5. No more than a total of 12 semester hours from any one or a combination of the provisional, enrichment, certification, or transient designations can be counted toward a degree program.

  6. At least 18 semester hours of graduate work must be completed in regular Georgia College courses on campus.

  7. Graduate students in the Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences are not permitted to re-take any graduate level course with the same title/name previously taken at the undergraduate level. This requires approval of the instructor.

  8. Thesis students are allowed to take six semester hours of independent study (BIOL 6940) to go toward their total 36 hour requirement. This course will require approval by the graduate coordinator. BIOL 6940 cannot count toward the nine, 6000-level hours that all thesis students are required to take.

  9. Graduate Assistants are required to take BIOL 5050 (Teaching Techniques) the first Fall semester they are enrolled.

  10. Full time graduate students must take a minimum of 6 hours; however, a normal course load is 9-12 hours/semester. The advice of the student's faculty adviser should be considered when deciding the total number of hours per semester. Nine semester hours is considered a full-course load for graduate students, International student and for Veteran's Certifications purposes.

  11. You must have completed, as an undergraduate or graduate student, at least one course each in cellular/molecular, ecology/evolution and organismal biology before receiving a Master's Degree. The Graduate Coordinator or the Department Chairperson will resolve questions concerning courses in these areas.

  12. Only grades in courses numbered 5000 - 7999 shall be counted in a student's institutional grade point average. Courses in which the student has earned less than a “C” cannot be counted for degree credit.

Summary Table of Requirements



Mentoring by graduate coordinator

Mentoring by advisor and committee by end of second semester

at least 15 credits 6000-level courses (excluding 6940, 6960, and 6970)

at least 9 credits 6000-level courses (excluding 6940, 6960, and 6970)

2 hour Graduate Seminar (BIOL 5915) taken first Fall student is enrolled

2 hour Graduate Seminar (BIOL 5915) taken first Fall student is enrolled

19 credits other 5000-6000 level courses

6 hours Thesis research (BIOL 6970)

19 credits other 5000-6000 level courses


Thesis defense

Total - 36 hours

Total - 36 hours

Graduate Assistantships

The Biology Graduate Program usually has about 30 graduate students enrolled and about 15 Graduate Assistantships (varies somewhat from year to year).

  1. A graduate assistant must have regular admission to the graduate program

  2. Enroll for 6 – 12 hours fall and spring.

  3. Assistantships are awarded based on the overall admission score (see above for calculation).

  4. Assistantships generally are awarded for 2 academic years (4 semesters - fall/winter): however; GA’s are NOT guaranteed and are renewed each semester pending evaluations.

  5. Graduate assistants must maintain at least a 3.0 GPA on graduate courses at GC.

    If a student's grade point average falls below 3.0 (academic warning), the student will have one semester to improve and return to academic good standing before termination of the assistantship. Should a student fail to return to good standing after one semester, or should a student receive academic exclusion and be dismissed from the degree program, the assistantship will be terminated at once. If a student regains good standing and then falls below a 3.0 a second time, the assistantship will be terminated. Students with an assistantship will receive a stipend and be required to work between 15 and 19 hours per week while enrolled in at least six graduate hours per semester.

  6. For international students: The following are minimum language scores required for eligibility for a GA (TOEFL/IELTS scores MAY be waived if all four years of undergraduate school were completed in USA):

  7. Stipends and fees associated with an assistantship are:

  8. •  Assistantships offer a waiver of tuition and a stipend of approximately $7600 AY: $3800 per Fall and Spring semester. Graduate Assistants must either show evidence of being on their parents' insurance, or purchase mandatory health insurance that costs approximately $1200.00 per year.

    •  Graduate Assistants receive a tuition waiver for Fall/Spring semester in addition to the stipend; however, there is NO tuition waiver for Summer semester sessions or workshops.

    •  Direct deposit is mandatory.

    •  Fees: GA’s must pay $25 toward tuition per BOR policy (this essentially means that all but $25 of your tuition is waived.). GA’s are responsible for all other fees including: Activity, Athletic, Bobcat Card, Health, Institution, Tech, Wellness, Transportation & Parking, and any meal plans.

Graduate Assistant Application Process

  1. Students must submit (via email) an application to the graduate coordinator.

  2. Applications are primarily evaluated based on the overall admission score (see above) and, additionally, the needs of the department.

  3. Offer letter is sent to student via email.

  4. Student accepts position by letter.

  5. Appointment form is generated and signed by Supervisor, Graduate Coordinator, and Academic Dean.

  6. Employment packet (Electronic documents generated by Human Resources)

    1. Employment information form - Emergency contact information

    2. Federal I-9 form (Employment Eligibility Verification form) – you will need one or more of the following documents to verify employment eligibility: social security card, Certificate of U.S. birth, state driver's license, school ID card with photograph, U.S. passport (or other approved U.S. government documents.)

    3. State of Georgia Withholding form (G-4)

    4. Federal Withholding form (W-4)

    5. Board of Regents University System of Georgia Security Questionnaire

    6. Direct Deposit Form (bring voided check, savings deposit form, or official letter from bank)

    7. Acknowledgement of Sexual Harassment Prevention Training

    8. Information on workers compensation insurance

    9. Memorandum to personnel file form (regarding on the job injury)

  7. New Graduate Assistants MUST attend mandatory orientation sessions.

  8. Graduate Assistants must purchase mandatory health insurance or have an approved waiver. You must renew the waiver every semester. Waivers only are available to students who are currently covered by a GROUP INSURANCE policy - either through their own employer, their spouse’s employer, or their parents' employer. If you, your spouse, or your parents are self-employed and have health insurance your request for a waiver will probably be denied. Check with Human Resources if you have any questions.

Hours and schedule:

  1. The work period begins one week before the first day of class and ends on the last day of finals.

  2. Fall and Spring break are built into the calendar so that GA’s do not have to be on campus.

  3. You are expected to work 300 hours per Fall and Spring semester (15-19 hours per week).

  4. The Graduate Assistant Supervisor determines the specific job description and schedule.


  1. The appropriate supervisor evaluates GA’s at the midterm and end of each semester. Students not meeting excellence standards may lose their assistantship.

  2. GA’s provide confidential feedback regarding their experience. This feedback is required before tuition can be waived.

Outstanding Graduate Student Award

All graduate students are eligible for the outstanding graduate student award during the first 2.5 calendar years of enrollment. The award is derived from the following point system:

  1. Graduate assistantship (RA or TA for at least one semester) – 1 point

  2. Grade point average (GPA) – value / 2 (a 3.5 GPA would = 1.75 points)

  3. Meeting paper presentations

    Georgia Academy of Science (or comparable meeting) – 2 points

    Regional or National meetings – 3 points

  4. Grant proposals submitted for research funding (not travel grants) – 2 points

  5. Articles submitted for publication:

    Georgia Academy of Science (or comparable) – 3 points

    Regional or National journal – 5 points

Students with 7 total points are eligible for the award. A maximum of three awards can be given each year. If there are ties (e.g. five students with the same score) priority will be given to papers and articles in regional and/or national meetings/journals.

Graduation Requirements

To qualify for a graduate degree at Georgia College you must:

  • Fulfill the departmental requirements for the degree chosen. These requirements are described above.

  • Present an application for graduation to the graduate coordinator or chairperson for approval then submit the approved application and associated fees to the Office of the Registrar by the dates indicated in the Official University Calendar.

  • A graduate student must have an institutional average of B (3.0 GPA).

Program of Study

Choose from:

BIOL 5050Teaching Techniques


BIOL 5110Animal Development


BIOL 5120Endocrinology


BIOL 5130General Pharmacology


BIOL 5140Histology


BIOL 5150Immunology


BIOL 5170Microbiological Techniques


BIOL 5180Microbiology


BIOL 5185Medical Microbiology


BIOL 5195Molecular Biology


BIOL 5210Plant Physiology


BIOL 5215Plant Cell Physiology


BIOL 5235Molecular Biotechniques


BIOL 5240Neurophysiology


BIOL 5260Environmental Toxicology


BIOL 5300Human Biology Sex & Drugs


BIOL 5310Bioethics


BIOL 5410Biological Systematics


BIOL 5420Clinical Parasitology


BIOL 5440Comparative Animal Physiology


BIOL 5450Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy


BIOL 5460General Entomology


BIOL 5470Herpetology


BIOL 5480Ichthyology


BIOL 5490Phycology


BIOL 5500Invertebrate Zoology


BIOL 5530Mammalogy


BIOL 5540Ornithology


BIOL 5580Morphology & Anatomy of Plants


BIOL 5590Vertebrate Biomechanics


BIOL 5610Vertebrate Zoology


BIOL 5705Population & Community Ecology


BIOL 5710Biogeography


BIOL 5725Community & Ecosystem Ecology


BIOL 5730Comparative Animal Behavior


BIOL 5740Environmental Conservation


BIOL 5750Environmental Microbiology


BIOL 5760Plant Systematics


BIOL 5770Field Ornithology


BIOL 5780Freshwater Biology


BIOL 5790Limnology


BIOL 5800People & Plants of the World


BIOL 5820Topics in Avian Evolution


BIOL 5840Topics in Horticulture


BIOL 5850Vertebrate Paleontology


BIOL 5860Vertebrate Field Techniques


BIOL 5870Wildlife Management


BIOL 5915Graduate Seminar


BIOL 5950Special Topics

1 - 4

BIOL 5951Special Topics with Lab

0 - 4

BIOL 5980Study Abroad

1 - 15

BIOL 6000Intro to Scientific Research


BIOL 6120Environ Fate of BIOL/CHEM Cont


BIOL 6210Selected Topics in Vert Physio


BIOL 6220Molecular Bio Informatics


BIOL 6230Select Topics Cellular Biol


BIOL 6400Advanced Plant Systematics


BIOL 6700Evolutionary Mechanisms


BIOL 6750Speciation


BIOL 6760Antibio Resist & Pathogenicity


BIOL 6820Population Ecology


BIOL 6940Independent Study

1 - 4

BIOL 6950Special Topics

1 - 6

BIOL 6960Internship

1 - 15

BIOL 6970Thesis

1 - 6

ENSC 5950Special Topics

1 - 4

GEOL 5100Introductory Hydrology


GEOL 5200General Geomorphology


GEOL 5300Sedimentology & Stratigraphy


GEOL 5950Special Topics

1 - 4

Total Credit Hours: 36