Graduate Catalog 2024-2025

EDTL - Teacher Leadership

EDTL 7100 Leading Collaborative Cultures

This is the first class in the Teacher Leadership EdS program. Students will be introduced to the program and the GACE assessment which they must pass to earn a Teacher Leader certification. Students will investigate each of the six tasks and understand how to plan, complete, and report each task. Students will learn the knowledge, skills and dispositions to equip them to create and sustain collaborative communities of adult learners in schools.


EDTL 7100P Leading Col Cultures Practicum

This course focuses on student planning of task 1 for the GACE Teacher Leadership Assessment which must be successfully completed for certification.


EDTL 7101 Inquiry into the Discipline

Students will focus on gaining an in-depth knowledge of their discipline and the structure of the curriculum. They will also gain an understanding of the relatedness and sequencing of various disciplines and grade levels and learn to lead others in mapping and monitoring the curriculum.


EDTL 7102 Inquiry into Prof Practices

Prerequisites: EDTL 7100 and EDTL 7101. Corequisite: EDTL 7103. Students will learn to access and analyze a variety of research and apply research to critical decision making in the school and classroom. Students will collaborate with each other to plan and conduct research on their content area using a Lesson Study protocol.


EDTL 7104 Teacher Leadership Practicum

Prerequisites: EDTL 7100, EDTL 7101, EDTL 7102, EDTL 7103. students will complete a 36 hour practicum in a school outside of their regular work hours. This practicum eperience will be supervised by qualified individuals and will provide opportunities for candidates to observe and practice teacher leadership skills in a real-world setting. Supervision of this practicum will conform to PSC regulations.


EDTL 7105 Teacher Leadership Capstone

Prerequisites: EDTL 7100, EDTL 7101, EDTL 7102, EDTL 7103, EDTL 7104. Students will apply their learning to help shape the local and national discourse on educational improvement. Candidates will complete an electronic portfolio, finalize their research report and share their learning through publication, conference presentation or professional development proposal.


EDTL 7110 Adult Learning and Inquiry

Corequisites: EDTL 7100, EDTL 7100P, EDTL 7110P. In this class, students will gain a more substantial understanding of adult learning theory and how to use this understanding in their work with colleagues. Students will also review action research and its role in teaching and learning in schools. Students will plan GACE assessment 2.


EDTL 7110P Adult Learning Practicum

Corequisites: EDTL 7100, EDTL 7100P, and EDTL 7110. This course focuses on student planning of task 2 for the GACE Teacher Leadership Assessment which must be successfully completed for certification.


EDTL 7120 Inquiry into Prof Practices

The focus of this class is the development of coaching, observation, and mentoring skills; strategies, including the coaching cycle; and providing verbal and written feedback in order to advance the professional skills of a colleague. Additionally, the course will investigate the use of data in guiding a colleague to make informed decisions.


EDTL 7120P Inquiry Prof Pract Practicum

This course focuses on student planning of task 4 for the GACE Teacher Leadership Assessment which must be successfully completed for certification, and the completion of either task 1 or 2.


EDTL 7130 Leaders Auth Lrn Communities

This course focuses on teachers as leaders of learning communities, particularly Professional Learning Communities (PLC) and Professional development programs. Students will learn about how PLCs should function and why they are effective for adult and student learning by working in a PLC with other students. Students will also learn how to design effective professional development using adult learning strategies. They will also develop a Professional Development plan.


EDTL 7130P Lead Auth Lrn Comm Practicum

This course focuses on student planning of task 3 for the GACE Teacher Leadership Assessment which must be successfully completed for certification, and completion of either task 1 or 2.


EDTL 7140 Collaboration and Advocacy

This course will focus on educational improvement particularly through teacher leader advocacy in a collaborative team. Students will review strategies for building collaboration and collegial interactions with colleagues. Students will learn how to advocate for educational change that will benefit teachers, students, or the community.


EDTL 7140P Collab and Advocacy Practicum

This course focuses on student planning of task 6 for the GACE Teacher Leadership Assessment which must be successfully completed for certification, and completion of either task 3 or 4.


EDTL 7150 Teacher Leadership Capstone

Students in this final course of the teacher leadership program complete their final tasks and ready their GACE assessment portfolio for submission. They will also reflect on their learning throughout the course and create artifacts to substantiate that learning.


EDTL 7200 Schools and Inequalities

Students in this course will first focus on academic underperformance of children of color in order to help students gain an understanding of the educational significance of this topic. Next, students will learn about inequalities in education in the US along with the historical events that impacted the educational system. Finally, students will focus on skills and dispositions which can improve academic achievement for students of color.


EDTL 7200P Schools Inequality Practicum

This course focuses on student planning of task 6 for the GACE Teacher Leadership Assessment which must be successfully completed for certification. Students will also complete either task 3 or 4.