Undergraduate Catalog 2024-2025

Additional Education Program Requirements

Continued Good Standing in Education

Teacher candidate applicants admitted to a professional teacher education program are expected to maintain a high level of personal, academic, and professional integrity. Teacher candidates in professional programs will be governed by the State of Georgia Code of Ethics for Educators. Failure to meet this code may be cause for removal from the program. Inappropriate personal and/or professional behavior can be cause for dismissal. The teacher candidate’s advisor or Mentor Leader, chairperson of the department, and the Dean of Education are authorized to recommend dismissal.

The following academic standards and guidelines apply for continued enrollment in a teacher education program:

  1. A minimum grade of C or S must be maintained in all course work in the program. If a grade of D, F or U is received in a course, the candidate will not be allowed to continue in the program unless provisions can be made for repeating the course so as not to lower professional expectations in the remaining course work and field experiences. One exception to this requirement is the Special Education course. Candidates must earn a B or better to satisfy Georgia HB 671.

  2. A teacher candidate is expected to attend all field placement assignments regularly and on time. Field placement assignments must be performed at an acceptable level as judged by the University Mentor Leader in collaboration with the public school Partner Teacher. Excessive absences and/or low quality performance in field placements may result in the teacher candidate’s removal from the program.

  3. A teacher candidate must maintain a GPA of 2.75 to continue in the program. When a GPA falls below 2.75 at anytime except immediately prior to the final semester, one of the following may occur: 

    1. If a special program of study can be developed to assist the candidate during summer, the candidate may be allowed to continue in the program contingent upon the summer course work raising the GPA to 2.75.

    2. A special program of study may be developed for the candidate, and the candidate withdrawn from the program and reclassified a pre-education major. After the candidate completes the special program of study, the overall GPA must be at a 2.75 level or above for the candidate to apply for readmission to the following year’s cohort.

    3. The candidate may be allowed to remain in the program for one additional semester, except the final semester, after which the GPA must be 2.75 or above, or the candidate will be withdrawn. Readmission to teacher education will be dependent upon the conditions set forth at the time the student is withdrawn.

    4. The candidate may be encouraged to choose another major, in or out of teacher education. The candidate will have to meet the admission requirements of the new major.

  4. A teacher candidate will not be allowed to continue into the final semester before graduation with a GPA below 2.75. A teacher candidate with a GPA below 2.75 prior to the final semester will be withdrawn from the program. The Mentor Leader or advisor and chairperson of the department will develop a plan specifying provisions for correcting the difficulty(ies) encountered. The plan must have the approval of the Dean of Education. The candidate will not be permitted to re-enter a cohort or candidate teaching for a minimum of one full year.

  5. In order to graduate from Georgia College with a degree in a major in the College of Education, teacher candidates must complete all requirements in the program.

  6. Students requesting to take 9-11 hours in the summer must have the permission of their advisors. Taking over eleven hours requires a university petition that originates with the faculty advisor and requires the approval of the chairperson and the dean. Failure to complete and file appropriate forms can result in being dropped from course(s).

Student Teaching Internship

Teacher candidates will have the opportunity for an intensive Student Teaching Internship. The Mentor Leader in conjunction with the teacher candidate will plan the experience for the greatest opportunity for personal and professional development. Placement in the public schools will be based on availability of cooperating practitioners; range and kind of experiences needed by the teacher candidate; and recommendations from other university faculty, district personnel officers, partner teachers, and principals.

The Student Teaching Internship is considered a full-time responsibility of the teacher candidate, and any activity that endangers the success in development of professional competence is inadvisable. Experiences and activities such as week-day employment, additional courses beyond that of the approved field-based program, or curricular activities during the normal public school day should be approved by the Mentor Leader.

A laboratory fee is associated with the student teaching internship.

Capstone Experience (Assessment Portfolio)

The capstone experience includes each teacher candidate's developing an electronic portfolio of artifacts demonstrating what the candidate knows and is able to do in an authentic context. The assessment portfolio is built in conjunction with the Mentor Leader and peers over the course of two years. As a culminating activity and proof of successful completion of the program, the teacher candidate presents, discusses, and defends the portfolio to a panel of faculty.

Exit Requirements for the Degree Program

All candidates in Early Childhood, Middle Grades and Special Education must meet exit requirements in order for their program to be “complete.” Exit requirements are twofold:

  1. Take the appropriate Georgia Assessment for Certification of Educators (GACE) Content Assessments.

  2. Complete the Capstone Assessment Portfolio requirement successfully.