Policy Manual

Performance Evaluations for Academic Administrators

Policy:  Board of Regents Policy Manual,, http://www.usg.edu/policymanual/section8/policy/C245/#p8.3.5_evaluation_of_personnel

The essential purpose of academic administrative evaluation is to provide a systematic means of recognizing and documenting the significant administrative work of those evaluated; provide a continuing comment on administrative performance; and encourage an academic administration that is responsive to the mission of the college including both teaching environment and professional development of faculty and staff.

Performance evaluation may also be used in deciding on the retention of an academic administrator and in decisions regarding compensation. Performance evaluation of an academic administrator will not be used in decisions regarding tenure, promotion, or academic rank. These decisions are based on faculty performance in the area of teaching, research, and service. Administrators do not hold tenure with respect to administrative positions; tenure may be awarded for faculty rank only. Academic administrators who hold faculty rank and who are assigned teaching responsibilities are thus evaluated by both this performance evaluation and by the faculty review system. One evaluation does not substitute for another.

All academic administrators must be evaluated by their supervisor at least once per year on a calendar year basis. Specific evaluations may occur at any time unusual administrative performance, circumstances, or accomplishments warrant.

Academic Administrators responsibility in completing administrative evaluation is outlined below. The administrative evaluation has six parts to it:

  1. Information Form

    Includes name and program of the evaluatee, current title, academic rank, date evaluation form prepared, date of appointment in current position, date first employed at GCSU, evaluation period, name of evaluator and reviewer, and an analysis of the administrative environment including comments by the evaluatee and comments by the evaluator.

  2. Job Description Form

    Evaluatee is to enter the position definition and major duties corresponding to his/her position

  3. Major Objectives for Current Evaluation Period Form

    The Evaluator reviews the major objectives mutually agreed upon for the current evaluation period.

  4. Major Objectives for Upcoming Evaluations Period Form

    The Evaluator is to approve a list of a minimum of three (3) major objectives to be completed in the upcoming evaluation period. The major objectives should be designed to substantively enhance the range or quality of services within the Program, improve operational procedures and/or increase efficiency.

  5. Performance Evaluation Form

    The Evaluatee is to complete the self-evaluation form and submit it to the Evaluator. The Evaluator will use the same form (Performance Evaluation Forms) to make an overall assessment with the Evaluatee.

  6. Recommendation Review Form

    The overall performance evaluation and recommendation for reappointment must be reviewed and approved by the Vice President/Dean of the School

Part IV, Evaluation of Academic Administrators by others

All faculty have the opportunity to participate in the evaluation of the academic administrators. At their discretion they may complete evaluations on department chairs, deans, directors, assistant vice presidents, associate vice presidents and the Provost by using the PART IV Academic Administrators Evaluation Form). Under Georgia state law, all evaluations are considered subject to the open records law. There will be an in depth review of academic administrators conducted every 5 years by the supervisor. The schedule of these 5 year reviews is located at MyGCSU --> Academic Affairs --> Evaluative Forms

On an annual basis, the provost will communicate with the campus on their opportunity to participate in the evaluation of academic administrators.

Performance Evaluation Forms - Academic Administrators

MyGCSU --> Academic Affairs --> Evaluative Forms


Links updated January 26, 2024