Policy Manual

Safety and Security

Workers' Compensation and Return To Work Program

The University System of Georgia provides benefits for employees in the event of work-related injuries, illnesses, exposures or accidents. When an injury, accident, exposure or illness is sustained as a result of, out of, or in the course of employment, an employee is eligible to receive benefits as outlined in the Georgia Workers' Compensation Law. As part of its Worker's Compensation policy, the University System of Georgia also provides a return-to-work program as the means to return employees to meaningful, productive employment following the injury or illness.

All personal injuries and accidents must be reported to the immediate supervisor and the Office of Human Resources immediately, regardless if medical attention is needed.

Employees requiring medical treatment for an injury on the job must check with the Office of Human Resources for information to access authorized treating physicians. Deviation from the process may result in non-payment of the claim by the Department of Administrative Services.

If immediate medical attention is needed for the injured employee, the supervisor will report by contacting Amerisys at 1-800-900-1582. If emergency medical treatment is necessary, the injured employee must be directed or taken to the nearest hospital Emergency Room. The supervisor must notify the Office of Human Resources within 24 hours of injury, including the expected return date, if known.

As soon as the employee is released to return-to-work activities, the employee will be asked to meet with the supervisor to determine if the employee can return to his or her regular duties. If the employee cannot immediately return to his or her regular duties, the employee may be given a special assignment as follows:

  1. Assignment to the employee's regular position with temporarily modified duties designed for an employee who is temporarily unable to function at full capacity in the regular position due to work-related illness or injury, but who is expected to return to regular duties within 90 days. Such duty modification requires the certification of the employee's treating physician. Once the physician certifies that an employee can return to work with temporarily modified duties, the supervisor must return the employee to work and provide the modified duties based on the employee's physician-certified medical restrictions.
  2. Return to work to a transitional position with different duties designed for employees who are temporarily unable to function at full capacity in the regular position due to work-related illness or injury, but who are expected to return to regular duties within 90 days. The employee must possess the knowledge, skills, and abilities required to function in the transitional position. Such temporary reassignment is to be used only when temporarily placing the employee in the transitional position would provide mutual benefits to the university and the employee, and when no current employee would be displaced by such reassignment. Such temporary reassignment requires the certification of the employee's treating physician. Once the physician certifies that an employee can return to work with different duties, the supervisor must return the employee to work in the transitional position and adhere to the employee's physician-certified medical restrictions.

Public Employee Hazardous Chemical Protection and Right-To-Know

The State of Georgia has enacted legislation to protect employees from the dangers of hazardous chemicals, which may be encountered in the workplace. Georgia College has developed a plan to assure that employees receive training and information about hazardous chemicals present in the workplace. As an employee of GCSU you must make sure you attend new employee orientation to receive this information. Those employees whose jobs involve the handling of such materials will receive additional training in the safe use, storage, and disposal of any chemical they use.

Related links:

Random Drug/Alcohol Testing of High Risk Employees

Policy Title: Drug and Alcohol Policy


Policy Statement:

It is the policy of Georgia College that employees may be subject to the following drug and alcohol screenings: pre-employment, reasonable suspicion, post-accident, follow-up, return to work and random drug testing for evidence of use of illegal drugs and alcohol usage. Georgia College promotes and requires a drug-free and alcohol-free work campus particularly amongst its employees. Additionally, an employee who has notified his/her supervisor that he/she has a drug related problem and is maintaining employment under Board of Regents Policy 8.2.18, Voluntary Disclosure of Drug Use, shall be subject to random drug testing.



  • Faculty: The faculty shall consist of the corps of instruction and the administrative officers as defined in Section 3 of the Policy Manual of the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia.
  • Staff: Staff employees shall consist of two major employee groups 1) staff professional and administrative employees and 2) staff non-exempt.
  • Student Employees: Student employees are considered temporary and include graduate assistants and student workers.




Illegal Drug includes but is not limited to marijuana/cannabinoids (THC), cocaine, amphetamines/methamphetamines, opiates or phencyclidine (PCP), or any controlled substance as defined in O.C.G.A. 16-13-21. The term illegal drug does not include any drug used pursuant to and in accordance with a valid prescription or when used as otherwise authorized by state or federal law.


Medical Review Officer is a properly licensed physician who receives and reviews the results of drug tests and evaluates those results together with medical history, or any other relevant biomedical information, to confirm positive results.


Drug Testing is the collection and testing of urine administered in a manner equivalent to that required by the rules and regulations of the United States Department of Transportation (49 CFR Part 40 and Part 382, 14 CFR Part 121 Appendices I & J, 33 CFR Part 95, and 49 CFR Part 655). This definition is applicable to all types of drug testing of applicants and employees in safety sensitive positions.


Alcohol Screening Test is an analytic procedure to determine whether an employee may have a prohibited concentration of alcohol in a breath or saliva specimen


Alcohol is the intoxicating agent in beverage alcohol, ethyl alcohol, or other low molecular weight alcohol, including methyl and isopropyl alcohol.


Safety Sensitive/High Risk – All P.O.S.T. certified law enforcement positions and all transportation positions requiring a CDL. Additionally, each institution shall have the responsibility of determining which positions on the campus is safety sensitive and are considered high risk in their impact to fellow employees and students. Examples of these positions may include, but are not limited to medical personnel, non–DOT regulated drivers, positions working with children under the age of thirteen (13) and positions working with toxic or hazardous chemicals or equipment.


Reason for the Policy:


This policy seeks to prevent risks and ill effects of illegal drug and alcohol use, particularly by employees in high risk positions and to provide a safer and more productive work environment.


Proposed Outcomes:


To ensure we are fulfilling our commitment to a drug and alcohol free campus. Any employee in violation of said policy may face disciplinary action up to including termination.


Applicability of the Policy:


This policy applies to all Georgia College all faculty, staff, students, temporary and contractors who are employed by the University.


Related Policies:


GC’s Drug Free Schools and Communities Act: http://www.gcsu.edu/humanresources/docs/GC_Drug_Free_Schools.pdf


USG Policy on Drug Testing: http://www.usg.edu/hr/manual/drug_testing


State of Georgia Department of Administrative Services Drug and Alcohol Free Workplace Program: http://doas.ga.gov/human-resources-administration/substance-abuse-testing/substance-abuse-lawsregulations-and-rules





Employees may be subject to pre-employment, reasonable suspicion, post-accident, return to work, follow-up and random drug testing for evidence of use of illegal drugs and alcohol usage.


Drug testing for University System employees and applicants will be performed in accordance with the same regulations and procedures as those prescribed by the State Merit System of Personnel Administration, USG Drug Policy and approved by the Vice Chancellor for Human Resources.


Drug testing shall be undertaken by trained medical technicians, who shall also be available to discuss the nature of the test and the test results with the individual. Testing may be undertaken from a urine sample unless, a blood test or hair analysis is medically recommended. The drug test is based on urinalysis and the overall process encompasses three separate stages before a specimen is reported as positive. The first stage is a screening test. If the screening indicates the presence of one or more illegal drugs, a confirmatory test will be performed using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) analysis. GC/MS analysis ensures that over-the-counter medications are reported as negative. The last stage is a review of the laboratory test by a Medical Review Officer (MRO), a medical doctor who has received special training in Toxicology and drug abuse. For test result that indicates the presences of a controlled substance, the MRO will also review the chain-of-custody to ensure that the sample was not tampered with at the collection site, during transport to the Laboratory, and/or while at the lab. Additionally, the MRO will contact the employee to provide an opportunity for the employee to present any information (such as medical prescriptions), which might explain the test results. No information will be provided to Georgia College & State University prior to the final determination by the MRO. The information provided to the MRO regarding the employee’s or applicant’s medical history or valid prescriptions will be held in strictest confidence.


A confirming retest may be undertaken if recommended by the MRO. The cost of the initial testing shall be paid for by Georgia College & State University. Any requested information by other than the University’s designated Office of Human Resources’ personnel, must be by a certified laboratory approved by the MRO and paid for by the employee or applicant requesting it. If an applicant’s is tested and is shown to have a positive drug test the applicant will not be hired for a period of two years by Georgia College & State University or by any other State of Georgia Agency. If an active Georgia College & State University employee is tested and is shown to have a positive drug test, the employee will be dismissed from employment with Georgia College & State University and any other State of Georgia Agency for a period of two years.


No contract or right is intended or created with respect to testing procedures, which are subject to change by appropriate administrative authority.


Federal regulations requires that alcohol tests be conducted using Evidential Breathing Testing devices approved by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, and the test must be conducted by a certified Breath Alcohol Technician. Results of less than 2% alcohol concentration are considered negative. If the concentration is 2% or greater, a second test will be conducted approximately 20 minutes later. If this test shows that the concentration remains above 2%, the employee will be removed from their safety-sensitive duties for a minimum of 24 hours. In addition, if the confirmation test indicates a concentration of 4% or higher, the regulations require that the employee be evaluated by a Substance Abuse Professional and comply with any recommendations for treatment before you return to work. As previously stated, Georgia College & State University may impose other disciplinary actions up to and including termination.




Employees identified for alcohol and/or drug testing under this policy shall be provided a specific date and time to report for testing; such date and time shall be scheduled as soon as possible, following the date the individual receives notification to report. Therefore, individuals should be notified to report at a time that takes into account when the testing location is open. Most testing locations are closed on Saturday and Sunday, so in general, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday are preferable to Thursday and Friday.


Disciplinary Action


Employees subject to testing due to their high risk position, shall be removed from the high risk position or terminated from employment as per the compliance dismissal procedures of the Board of Regents, if they decline to submit to a drug test or if they test positive for the use of illegal drugs. Employees subject to testing for reasonable suspicion, shall be subject to disciplinary action to include possible termination as per the dismissal procedures of the Board of Regents, if they decline to submit to a drug test or if they test positive for the use of illegal drugs.


To the extent allowed by law, the identity of any employee who declines a drug test, or who tests positive for drug use, shall be withheld from all persons except those who have need for such information in their official capacity.


Privacy and Confidentiality


Personal privacy shall be respected to the extent practicable in the administration of testing without direct observation of an individual providing a urine sample. Applicant’s or employee’s right to privacy will be revoked if there is reasonable suspension. If there is reasonable suspension that the collection may become adulterated, the collection will be observed by a trained medical professional of the same sex. This observation of the collection will result in the observation of the specimen leaving the body. Test results are maintained in confidential medical information files, revealed only to the tested individual and responsible managers with "need to know" or disclosed as may be required by law. University employees, including personnel involved in testing and counseling, will be subject to discipline for unauthorized disclosure of personally identifiable information.


Testing Categories for Drug and Alcohol:




The State of Georgia requires all state entities to conduct Pre-employment testing of employees:

  • In specified high-risk/safety sensitive positions; and
  • Existing employees, prior to being placed in the high-risk/safety sensitive position.


All job notices, announcements, and/or postings for positions that are subject to pre-employment testing will include a statement that reads, “The applicant offered this position will be required to successfully complete a pre-employment drug/alcohol test.”


Random Testing


The State of Georgia requires all state entities to conduct random testing of employees. Positions that are subject to random testing are placed in a pool and a predetermined annual percentage of that pool is randomly selected for testing. Random testing is generally done on a monthly basis with one twelfth of the predetermined percentage selected each month. All positions must have an equal chance of being selected each month. Positions that are selected one month go back into the pool for the next selection. US DOT regulated employees will be in a separate pool. DOT determines the percentage to be tested annually for both alcohol and other drugs.


Post-Accident Testing


If an employee is involved in an accident while conducting University business, he or she shall be subject to alcohol and drug testing when:

  • There is vehicle/equipment damage resulting in more than $500 in damages; or
  • Bodily injury occurring on public roadways; or
  • There is a fatality; or
  • The driver is cited with a traffic violation; or
  • There is reasonable suspicion to believe that the employee’s behavior or appearance may indicate alcohol or drug use; or
  • When an employee sustains a work-related injury requiring medical attention away from the worksite; or
  • The employee is classified in a position that is regulated by the US Department of Transportation and its operating authorities; or
  • The employee has been identified by the appointing authority as performing duties that are considered high risk; or
  • Peace Officers Standards and Training (P.O.S.T.) certified employees, because they are also considered high risk employees.


When possible, post-accident alcohol testing should be performed within two (2) hours of the accident. If a test cannot be performed within eight (8) hours, attempts to test shall cease and a written record stating the reasons the test was not performed shall be prepared by the Office of Human Resources or a designee and maintained on file in the Office of Human Resources.


Post-accident drug testing should be performed within 32 hours or not at all. A written record stating the reasons the test was not performed shall be prepared by the Manager or a designee and maintained on file.


Reasonable Suspicion


All employees shall be subject to drug and/or alcohol testing for evidence of use of illegal drugs and/or alcohol in cases of reasonable suspicion.


Any affected employee may be required to submit to drug and/or alcohol testing when their supervisor has reasonable suspicion to believe that the employee is under the influence of illegal drugs and/or alcohol. The final determination of reasonable suspicion shall be made by a supervisor or other official who is trained to make such determinations and the Chief Human Resources Officer or Office of Legal Affairs. With the approval of the Chief Human Resources Officer or Office of Legal Affairs, the supervisor can require testing after making specific, well-articulated observations concerning the appearance, behavior, speech or odor of the employee.


Follow-Up testing/Return to Work


Follow-up tests are conducted after an employee has returned to work following a positive alcohol test or self-disclosure of a substance abuse problem and the employee has completed professional treatment for substance abuse by a professional substance abuse counselor. Follow-up tests are unannounced testing over several months in order for an employee to return to the safety-sensitive position. Follow-up tests may last for a period up to 60 months (5 years).

Drug Free Schools and Communities Act


As part of the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989, Georgia College & State University (GC) is required by law to provide to every employee and each student who is taking one or more classes, written materials that adequately describe and contain the following information:

  1. Standards of conduct that prohibit unlawful possession or distribution of drugs and alcohol.
  2. A clear statement of disciplinary sanctions that the institution will impose on students and employees.
  3. A description of applicable counseling, treatment, or rehabilitation programs offered.
  4. A description of health risks associated with the use and abuse of drugs and alcohol.
  5. A description of applicable legal sanctions under local, state or federal law.

The abuse of alcohol and the use of illegal drugs by members of the GC community are incompatible with the goals of our university. In order to further the university’s commitment to provide a healthy and productive education environment, and to comply with the Drug-free Schools and Communities Act Amendment of 1989 (Public Law 1-226m section 22, subpart B), the University has pulled together all of the existing campus policies and procedures in this informational handout.

1) Standards of Conduct

Employee Conduct

Georgia College, as any other educational institution, has a clear responsibility to its students, their parents, and its employees. This involves providing the very best academic atmosphere for the students and a wholesome working environment for the employees. Any element which may hinder the efforts to carry out these responsibilities cannot be tolerated. Employees involved with drugs pose such a hindrance. Therefore, employees should realize that drug related convictions could lead to termination of employment. Georgia College also abides by terms and provisions of the Drug Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989. This policy provides that an employee must notify the Chief Human Resources Officer of any drug statute conviction for a violation no later than five calendar days after such conviction.

Pre-employment and random drug tests are required for individuals selected for positions that may directly impact the health, safety, and welfare of others. Employment categories that are subject to pre-employment drug testing include all public safety and physical plant employees. (Contact the Office of Human Resources for additional information related to pre-employment and random drug testing.) Drug and Alcohol Testing Policy.

Student Code of Conduct

Georgia College may discipline a student in non-academic matters. This normally involves matters which occur on the GC campus or at GC-sponsored events, but may be extended to off-campus matters which could reasonably be expected to impact the GC community. Repeated off-campus arrests generally result in GC judicial charges as well as criminal charges. Behavior cited by the university's Public Safety officers will be handled as on-campus incidents whether they were technically committed on-campus or off. For the purposes of this section, the term "conduct" shall include acts which knowingly or unknowingly violate federal, state, or local laws, and/or Georgia College rules and regulations, or which the student knew or reasonably should have known would result in occurrences prohibited by this section. All students are expected to adhere to the stipulations of the GC Honor Code, which addresses lying, cheating, stealing, plagiarism and vandalism. All residence hall students are expected to adhere as well to the contract terms and stipulations listed in the Georgia College University Housing Policy Handbook. Students are subject to disciplinary action for violating the following Code of Conduct items: Underage possession or use of alcohol; illegal possession, use or sale of controlled substances; or conduct that violates local, state, or federal laws or GC regulations regarding alcohol and other drugs. For more information related to general student conduct issues see the Student Code of Conduct: Honor Code.

Alcohol and other Substance Abuse Policy

Georgia College recognizes the need to address the issues of alcohol and other drug abuse among university students. Drug use may pose physical and psychological risks, and long-term harm to self and others, in addition to the legal consequences of involvement with controlled substances.

Georgia College supports a program of drug abuse prevention and education along with a procedure for dealing with problems arising from the non-medical use of drugs.

Georgia College believes in taking a proactive stand in regard to substance abuse. This policy and various programs have been established to stand behind this philosophy. It is believed and hoped that prevention/education programs will benefit the entire University community by promoting informed decisions with reference to drug use.

The following are the substance abuse policies of Georgia College:

  1. Persons under 21 years of age cannot possess or consume alcoholic beverages. Appropriate signs must be posted to this effect at the point of serving.
  2. Persons must not present any false identification, either written or oral, in order to obtain alcoholic beverages.
  3. Persons of legal drinking age must not provide alcoholic beverages to underage persons.
  4. The sale of alcohol on campus is illegal and expressly forbidden.
  5. No alcoholic beverage should be given to any person who is in an obvious state of intoxication.
  6. Persons and/or organizations who serve alcoholic beverages are responsible for the damages, both to person and property, incurred by those served.
  7. Any person who is intoxicated can be prevented from driving a motor vehicle by campus police officers.
  8. Intoxication will not be accepted as an excuse for disorderly conduct on campus.
  9. Sponsoring organization members must employ a campus police officer to check ID's for legal drinking age and monitor the use of alcoholic beverages at events.
  10. All on-campus student organization events involving alcohol must be personally cleared with the director of student activities.
  11. Sponsoring organization advisers are strongly encouraged to attend any event at which alcohol is served.
  12. Open containers with alcoholic beverages cannot be carried outside the specific location of the event.
  13. Public advertising of any event must not include any specific mention of alcohol. The word refreshments must be used in place of words denoting alcoholic beverages.
  14. The number of guests at events where alcohol is served must be restricted to the legal fire capacity limit.
  15. There will be no events involving alcohol on-campus or off-campus during new student orientation.
  16. Alcohol cannot be given as a prize for contests, games, and other such activities.
  17. The consumption of alcohol is prohibited at all organized campus athletic events.
  18. The use of university or student activities funds for the purchase of alcoholic beverages is prohibited.
  19. Drinking games or activities contributing to alcoholic overindulgence are prohibited.
  20. Alcohol can be served in designated areas only on Fridays and Saturdays (See Social Functions Policy.)
  21. Sponsoring organizations must have designated drivers available.
  22. Appropriate amounts of alternative beverages and food must be available at events.
  23. Alcohol purchased for an event must be prorated to the number of persons of legal age attending the event. Guidelines per 40 persons are:
    • One-half barrel (keg) or 165 12-ounce beer servings;
    • or Equivalent one ounce 86 proof distilled beverage servings;
    • or Equivalent three ounce wine servings.
  24. Persons of legal drinking age and persons of non-legal drinking age must be identified by colored nontransferable wrist bands or pre-designated equivalent method of identification.
  25. A maximum of four hours serving time of alcoholic beverages at any event must be strictly enforced.
  26. No outside alcoholic beverages may be brought in or allowed at the social function, unless coolers are approved in advance for specific outdoor functions.
  27. Locations and conditions regarding faculty/staff receptions where alcohol is served may be approved on a case by case basis by the division of business and finance.

Although decisions related to substance use/abuse are personal choices, resulting behavior may have negative impact on the decision maker and others. When behavior infringes on the rights and/or property of others at Georgia College, and is related to the use of alcohol and/or other controlled substances, or when illegal activity involving the use of such substances becomes known, it is the responsibility of Georgia College to take appropriate action.

If a student is involved in a substance abuse related offense, he may, in addition to other possible actions, be referred to the university's substance awareness and abuse program. Very often a drug problem has its roots in serious personal and emotional difficulties. The student will be required to attend an alcohol/drug education workshop. Depending on the seriousness of the incident, a student may be referred directly to the university's substance awareness and abuse program or to professional alcohol/drug counseling and remediation services or other actions may be taken.

All participants must attend the alcohol/drug education workshop within one semester of receipt of an offense letter, if attending as part of a disciplinary sanction.

If a referred student does not attend the workshop, the facilitator will notify the appropriate official in writing. If the student has just cause for not attending, the student must notify the facilitator at least 24 hours prior to the workshop, and reschedule for another workshop time.

The purpose of the alcohol/drug education workshop is to give participants an opportunity to analyze and assess their drug related attitudes and actions, and to prevent related problems from occurring in the future. The Oconee Center for Alcohol and Drug Services is available for further screening, treatment, and rehabilitation. If such a referral is made, the financial responsibility for this service will rest solely with the student and/or the student's family. The university will not be responsible for private therapy.

For more information, refer to: Student Life Handbook

Residence Life Alcohol Policy, Procedures and Other Important Information

Students 21 years of age and older are permitted to possess and consume alcoholic beverages in accordance with all state and university policies and regulations. GC policy permits students 21 years of age and over to consume alcoholic beverages only within the confines of their own apartment or an apartment in which they are invited by occupants who are 21 years or older. Common containers (i.e. kegs, party balls, or other large containers) are not permitted within The Village. The possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages in public areas is not permitted. Residents who choose to consume alcoholic beverages are responsible for their actions and, should their behavior detract from the living environment, held accountable through the discipline process.

The university has a no tolerance policy for the illegal or abusive use of drugs. Students who use and/or possess illegal drugs in any university housing facility will have their contract terminated without financial refund.

For more information please reference the Student Handbook and The Village Contract Agreement concerning illegal use of alcohol and/or other drugs. Students under the age of 21 may not possess or display alcoholic beverage signs or containers in their room or apartment.

Social Function Policies

Any registered student organization hosting a social event, whether on-campus or off-campus will be expected to abide by all applicable local, state, and federal laws and regulations. All social events on campus must be approved by the director of student activities and must be in compliance with Georgia College policies and procedures for student organizations. If the event is held on campus facilities such as the East Campus (Lake Laurel), the main campus (Maxwell Student Union), and the J. Michael Peeler Athletic Complex (picnic grounds and athletic fields), appropriate facility usage request forms must be submitted to Continuing Education & Public Services where approval of the appropriate building/area supervisor will be obtained. A damage deposit must accompany the application in order for the request to receive full consideration. Completed requests must be submitted to the director of student activities for his approval of the appropriateness of the event prior to submitting to CE/PS. All applications must be approved in entirety one week prior to the date of the requested event.

Each organization sponsoring a social event on campus property must sign a statement of responsibility and a waiver of liability included on the Social Function Application releasing Georgia College from liability for personal injury or damages to property, littering or destruction, and cleanup of Georgia College property. All scheduled events shall terminate at designated times. If the organization plans to serve alcoholic beverages during the social event, they must adhere to the alcohol policy of the university. Organization advisers must be present at all social events where alcohol may be present.

The Board of Regents recognizes and supports the laws of Georgia with respect to the sale, use, distribution, and possession of alcoholic beverages on university campuses as well as within the state at large. To this end, the Board has endorsed a program designed to enhance awareness and curb abuse of alcohol by students and others in the University System. This program emphasizes that each institution shall stress individual responsibility related to the use of alcohol on and off the campus.

To assist in the implementation of alcohol awareness programs and to enhance the enforcement of state laws on the campuses of the University System, each institution shall adopt and disseminate comprehensive policies and procedures, consistent with state and local laws, concerning the use, distribution, and possession of alcoholic beverages on campus and institutionally approved events off campus. Disciplinary sanctions for violation of the policies or other unauthorized use of alcoholic beverages shall be included in each institution's disciplinary code of conduct.

A copy of the policies and procedures adopted by each institution shall be filed with and approved by the office of the vice chancellor for student services of the board of regents. This shall be reviewed and approved by this office annually thereafter.

Copies of policies and procedures, forms and information relative to the implementation of system policy on the Georgia College campus are available upon request from the Campus Life Office in the Student Center.

Please note the following policies:

  1. All registered student organization members, faculty, or staff using university facilities and serving alcoholic beverages must be in full compliance with the Board of Regents Alcohol on Campus policy as well as Georgia College Policies and Procedures for social functions.
  2. Coordinators of events shall complete a Social Function Application one week prior to the proposed function.
  3. Coordinators of events must sign a statement of responsibility and waiver of liability releasing Georgia College from liability for personal injury or damages.
  4. Organization members or appropriate faculty or staff members will accept full responsibility for any personal injuries, damages to property, littering or destruction, and cleanup of Georgia College property.
  5. Registered student organizations must submit an appropriate damage and cleanup deposit attached to the Social Function Application.
  6. All registered student organization events shall terminate on or before 12:00 midnight with the exception of the Maxwell Student Union Lounge where events may be held until 1:00 a.m.
  7. If registered student organizations plan to serve alcoholic beverages during the social event (no sale is permitted on state property) they must be served no later than 30 minutes prior to the termination time, and within the following guidelines:
    • Alcoholic beverages may be served outside only at the J. Michael Peeler Athletic Complex picnic area and the Lake Laurel Lot.
    • Alcoholic beverages are served inside only within the Maxwell Student Union and the Lake Laurel Lodge.
    • Whenever alcoholic beverages are served, equally accessible, alternative, nonalcoholic beverages and snacks, or food must also be served.
  8. Specific regulations for use of alcoholic beverages by registered student organizations must be followed.
  9. Locations and conditions regarding faculty/staff receptions where alcohol is served may be approved on a case by case basis through the Division of Administrative Services and Campus Operations in conjunction with the department of Public Safety.

Violations of the Social Functions Policy will result in the termination of further privileges and may include other possible disciplinary actions or sanctions. For more information, refer to: Student Life Handbook

Student Code of Conduct for Off Campus Violations

Georgia College students residing off-campus, or engaging in illegal or intemperate use of substances while off-campus, are still subject to campus judicial procedures, as well as any civil procedures that may be instituted.

Georgia College may discipline a student in non-academic matters. This normally involves matters which occur on the GC campus or at GC-sponsored events, but may be extended to off-campus matters which could reasonably be expected to impact the GC community. Repeated off-campus arrests generally result in GC judicial charges as well as criminal charges. Behavior cited by the university's Public Safety officers will be handled as on-campus incidents whether they were technically committed on-campus or off. For the purposes of this section, the term "conduct" shall include acts which knowingly or unknowingly violate federal, state, or local laws, and/or Georgia College rules and regulations, or which the student knew or reasonably should have known would result in occurrences prohibited by this section.

For more information, refer to: Student Life Handbook

Policy On Substance Abuse by Nursing Students

The University has a policy on substance abuse in the GC "Bobcat" Student Handbook. In accordance with this policy, the Nursing Program has adopted the following policy for nursing students. Students are expected to be present for all class, lab and clinical activities in a physical and mental state which is free of impairment due to drugs and/or alcohol. A student who reports to class, lab or clinical and is suspected to be under the influence of drugs/alcohol will not be allowed to remain in the setting. If the student insists he/she is not impaired, he/she has the option of having a drug/alcohol screen done at his/her expense. The incident will be referred to the Department Chair for further evaluation. After the incident, the following will occur:

  1. The faculty member and Department Chair will inform the student as to when he/she can return to class, lab or clinical.
  2. If deemed necessary by the Department Chair and the faculty member, the student will be referred to an Impaired Nurse Advocate for evaluation.
  3. If treatment is necessary, faculty will be supportive of the student's treatment regime. The student will have the option of re-entering the nursing program when the required sequence is available. It is the student's responsibility to submit Letter of Intent to the Admission and Progression Committee the semester prior to the admission, and the decision of the committee is final.
  4. The student will need to attend an after-care program. The student will need to provide the Division of Nursing with documentation of attendance. Random drug/alcohol screening may be requested. All drug/alcohol screening will be at the student's expense.
  5. If the student does not comply with the above recommendations, he/she may be asked to withdraw from the program. 6/20/98

2) Disciplinary Sanctions the Institution will Impose

Georgia College is as an entity that supports the laws and regulations of the United States, the State of Georgia, Baldwin County and the City of Milledgeville. Each student and employee as a responsible member of the university community is expected to do the same. As part of these laws and regulations, the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of alcohol, illicit drugs or any other controlled substance on campus or as a part of any university related employment or activity is strictly forbidden. Each student and employee must abide by the terms of this statement and notify the university in writing of any conviction for a violation of a criminal drug statute no later than five calendar days after such a conviction.

Employee Sanctions

In addition to the criminal sanctions, employees convicted of drug-related offenses are subject to civil penalties. Such penalties may include suspension or revocation of professional and occupational licenses, restriction from public employment for up to five years, and/or denial of retirement benefits. Workers' compensation benefits will also be denied in certain instances where alcohol or other drugs are a cause of injury.

If, prior to arrest for an offense involving a controlled substance, marijuana, or a dangerous drug, an employee notifies his or her immediate supervisor that he or she illegally uses a controlled substance, marijuana, or a dangerous drug and is receiving or agrees to receive treatment under a drug abuse and education program approved by the institution President, such employee shall be retained by the institution for up to one year as long as the employee follows the treatment plan. Retention of such employee shall be conditioned upon satisfactory completion of the program. The employee's work activities may be restructured if, in the opinion of the immediate supervisor, it is deemed advisable. No statement made by the employee to a supervisor or other person, in order to comply with this policy shall be admissible in any civil, administrative or criminal proceeding as evidence against the employee. The rights herein granted shall be available to a System employee only once during a five-year period and shall not apply to any such employee who has refused to be tested or who has tested positive for a controlled substance, marijuana or a dangerous drug.

For more information, refer to: Dismissal, Demotion, or Suspension Policy 

Students Sanctions

Disciplinary action or sanctions shall mean any action affecting the status of an individual as a student which is taken by GC in response to student misconduct. The term shall include reprimands, personal probation, revocation and/or limitation of privileges, restitution, probation, suspension or expulsion, denial of particular University privileges, and other less severe actions. The sanctions of this policy may or may not jeopardize the student's progress in his course of study.

Specific Sanctions - Sanctions for student misconduct may include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Reprimand - The student is admonished orally or in writing to observe Georgia College rules and regulations. A copy of the written reprimand is to be filed in the Office of Student Affairs.
  • Personal Probation - The student shall be required to meet with a specific Georgia College faculty or staff member at intervals during the probation period, such intervals to be specified in the written decision of the adjudicating individual or body. Personal probation shall be imposed for a specified period not to exceed one calendar year.
  • Movement Within/Among or Removal from University Housing - If a student is living in University Housing he or she may be required to move into another University Housing facility or out of the University Housing system.
  • Revocation and/or Limitation of Privileges - The student is denied or restricted from certain activities or privileges for a specified period of time. Such revocations or restrictions of privileges shall be related to the student's misconduct and shall not include attending classes or writing examinations and shall be for the purpose of preventing a recurrence of misconduct.
  • Restitution -The student is required to pay for repair or replacement of damaged or stolen property. The payment required may not exceed the cost of repair or replacement of the damaged or stolen item, but a lesser amount may be specified. With the mutual consent of Georgia College and the student, the student may, in lieu of payment, arrange for repair or replacement or perform work as compensation. In the event the work option is selected, the student shall receive credit for work performed at no less than the prevailing wage rate of other student employees performing comparable work. The cumulative salary of the work performed shall not exceed the amount of the payment which otherwise would have been required. When Georgia College seeks and obtains restitution via a civil or criminal suit filed against the student, the University shall not impose restitution as a disciplinary sanction. Whenever such a suit is considered or filed, the restitution sanction shall be deferred until court action is completed.
  • Probation - The student is warned that a subsequent violation of Georgia College rules and regulations or with other standards of conduct which the student is directed to observe for the duration of the period of the probation will result in sanctions of increased severity.
  • Suspension - The student is temporarily denied student status for a specified period of time with resultant loss of all student rights and privileges. Upon completion of suspension, the student shall have the same standing to re-enroll as he would have if no suspension had been imposed.
  • Expulsion - The student is terminated of student status with resultant loss of all student rights and privileges. A student may petition the President of the University for readmission no sooner than three years after the imposition of this sanction
For more information, refer to: Student Life Handbook

3) Counseling, Treatment and Rehabilitative Programs

Employee Counseling and Program Options

Employees should seek assistance through the Office of Human Resources. If a substance abuse problem is determined to exist, referral may be made to a certified rehabilitation program. Please options below: 

Employee Assistance Program (EAP) - MyLifeExpert- 844-243-4440

For Georgia College employee healthcare participants

  • Contact BlueCross BlueShield (BCBS) or your HMO to learn more about health care options 1-800-424-8950

Other resources include:

  • River's Edge Crisis Center - 478-451-2700 - Milledgeville, Georgia
    • 60 Blandy Way

    Milledgeville, Georgia 31061

    Phone: 478-451-2700

  • Oconee Center – 478-445-4721 - Milledgeville, Georgia
    • Addictive Disease Outpatient Services

    900 Barrows Ferry Road

    Milledgeville, Georgia 31061

    Phone: 478-445-5518

  • Alcoholics Anonymous – 478-453-4235 - Milledgeville, Georgia

Georgia Crisis & Access Line: 1-800-715-4225

  • For emergency mental health, developmental disability or addictive disease services.

Student Counseling and Program Options

Counseling Services and Health Services are available for initial dialogue and assistance in defining the extent of any problem. If a substance abuse problem is determined to exist, referral may be made to the Oconee Center or other certified rehabilitation programs. In addition, a variety of counseling services and treatment centers are available throughout the state for anyone experiencing problems related to substance abuse. Although most counseling and treatment centers charge for their services, some programs are free of charge. Faculty, staff, and students should consult the following referral sources to identify the services or programs that most closely meet their specific needs.

The office of Counseling Services, Health Services, Residence Life and Student Activities sponsor on-going programs specifically addressing substance abuse, responsible decision making and healthy lifestyles. Literature and pamphlets available through Counseling Services and Health Services and participation in National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week and National Collegiate Drug Awareness Week are examples of such programs. The Oconee Center also maintains an office on campus and is available to discuss community resources and referral possibilities.

4) Health Risks Associated with the Use and Abuse of Drugs And Alcohol

Alcohol consumption causes a number of marked changes in behavior. Even low doses significantly impair the judgment and coordination required to drive a vehicle or operate equipment safely, increasing the likelihood of an accident. Even low to moderate doses of alcohol impairs judgment and increases the incidence of a variety of aggressive acts, including spouse and child abuse, confrontations at work, and legal problems. Moderate to high doses of alcohol cause marked impairments in mental functions, severely altering a person's ability to learn and remember information. Very high doses cause respiratory depression and death. If combined with other depressants of the central nervous system, much lower doses of alcohol will produce the effects just described. Repeated use of alcohol can lead to dependence. Sudden cessation of alcohol intake is likely to produce withdrawal symptoms, including severe anxiety, tremors, hallucinations, and convulsions. Alcohol withdrawal can be life threatening. Long-term consumption of large quantities of alcohol, particularly when combined with poor nutrition, can also lead to permanent damage to vital organs such as the brain and liver. The regular consumption of alcohol greatly increases the risk of most types of cancer. Mothers who drink alcohol during pregnancy may give birth to infants with fetal alcohol syndrome. These infants have irreversible physical abnormalities and mental retardation. In addition, research indicates that children of alcoholic parents are at greater risk of becoming alcoholics than other youngsters.

The use of drugs can pose many risks to health. It can cause high blood pressure, heart or respiratory failure, impaired memory or injury, even death through violence or self-destructive behavior. Even infrequent use may lead to tremors, impaired sexual response, cardiovascular damage, and impaired performance, which could lead to poor grades, poor job performance, financial problems and interpersonal conflicts.

What Works: Schools Without Drugs, U. S. Department of Education (1992).

5) Applicable Legal Sanctions Under Local, State or Federal Law

Employee and Students Possible Legal Sanctions

Under Georgia and federal law, it is a crime to possess, manufacture, sell, or distribute illegal drugs. As required by federal regulations, charts accompanying this policy in the current Safe & Secure brochure detail federal penalties for drug trafficking and state sanctions for the unlawful possession or distribution of illicit drugs. Federal sanctions for the illegal possession of drugs include imprisonment up to 1 year and/or a minimum fine of $1,000 for a first conviction; imprisonment for 15 days to 2 years and a minimum fine of $2,500 for a second drug conviction; and imprisonment for 90 days to 3 years and a minimum fine of $5,000 for a third or subsequent drug conviction. For possession of mixture or substance that contains cocaine base, federal sanctions include 5 to 20 years in prison and a minimum fine of $1,000 for a first conviction if the mixture or substance exceeds 5 grams. The sanctions apply to a second conviction if the mixture or substance exceeds 3 grams and for a third or subsequent conviction if the mixture or substance exceeds 1 gram. Additional possible penalties for the illegal possession of drugs are forfeiture of real or personal property used to possess or to facilitate possession of a controlled substance if the offense is punishable by more than 1 year imprisonment; forfeiture of vehicles, boats, aircraft, or any other conveyance used, or intended for use, to transport or conceal drugs; civil fine up to $10,000 per violation; denial of federal benefits, such as student loans, grants, contracts, and professional and commercial licenses for up to 1 year for a first offense and up to 5 years for a second or subsequent offense; successful completion of a drug treatment program; community service; and ineligibility to receive or purchase a firearm. Georgia law prohibits the purchase or possession of alcohol by a person under the age of 21, or the furnishing of alcohol to such a person. Driving under the influence of alcohol or other drugs also is illegal. It is against Georgia law, under certain circumstances, to walk or be upon a roadway while under the influence of alcohol or other drugs. The punishment for these offenses may include imprisonment, payment of a fine, mandatory treatment and education programs, community service, and mandatory loss of one's driver's license. Georgia College is required to fully cooperate with any investigation by federal and state authorities.

In accordance with recent amendments to the federal General Provisions Act, an institution of higher education may disclose to a parent or legal guardian of a student information regarding any violation of any federal, state, or local law, or of any rule or policy of the institution, governing the use or possession of alcohol or a controlled substance, regardless of whether that information is contained in the student’s educational records, if (a) the student is under the age of 21, and (b) the institution determines that the student has committed a disciplinary violation with respect to such use or possession.

Key Campus Contacts – Office and Phone Numbers

Student Affairs


Student Counseling Office


Office of Human Resource


Public Safety Office



Smoking of any material is prohibited in all enclosed areas of Georgia College, including hallways, elevators, offices, restrooms, seminar/meeting rooms, and all other spaces owned or leased by the University System of Georgia (USG). Smoking is also prohibited in any outside areas adjacent to a university facility whose configuration and/or other physical circumstances allow smoke either to enter and affect the internal environment or to adversely affect the environment of those entering or exiting the facility.It is further established that all outside constituents visiting the agency for any reason will consent to this policy as well.

See map showing designated smoking shelters at:

Workplace Violence

Georgia College will not tolerate any type of workplace violence committed by or against employees. Workplace violence, for the purpose of this policy, is defined as any physical assault, threatening behavior or verbal abuse occurring in the work setting.

Threats, threatening conduct, or any other acts of aggression or violence in the workplace will not be tolerated. Violations of the workplace violence policy will be met with appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal.

To make deliberate false accusations of workplace violence violates this policy. In such instances, the complainant will be subject to disciplinary action. However, failure to prove a claim of workplace violence does not constitute proof of a false and/or malicious accusation.

Employees who, in good faith, report what they believe to be workplace violence or who cooperate in any investigation will not be subjected to retaliation.