Undergraduate Catalog 2023-2024

Information Studies Minor

Information Studies is a field that deals with the creation, use, communication, and management of information. Information Studies is a field that is rapidly developing and expanding as information management skills become increasingly vital in our information-rich society. The minor complements many other major fields of study, enabling students to develop analytical reasoning, research, oral and written communication skills, knowledge of global issues, and information literacy.

Note: Those students interested in the Cultural Heritage Information Concentration are encouraged to take the following course path: INFO 3000, INFO 3010, INFO 3402, and two INFO electives.

Minor Requirements

Required Courses

Satisfactorily complete the following courses:
INFO 3000Intro to Information Studies


INFO 3010History of Information


Total Credit Hours:6

Additional Minor Requirements

Satisfactorily complete all minor requirements listed in the academic policies section of this catalog.

Earn a grade of C or higher in all INFO courses.

Elective Courses

Satisfactorily complete three (3) of the following courses:
INFO 3232The Body Electric


INFO 3304Politics of Information


INFO 3402Cultural Heritage Informatics


INFO 3420Archives and Collective Memory


INFO 3456Cultural Heritage v Mother Nat


INFO 3678Information in Times of Crisis


INFO 4111Critical Information Literacy


INFO 4901Internship


Total Credit Hours:9