Graduate Catalog 2024-2025


EDEL 7000 Architects of Change

Prerequisite: Admission to the Ed.S. program in Education Leadership. This course is the first course in the integrated studies program for leadership of high performing schools. The instructional focus is on the leadership role in facilitating organizational vision, the change process, and the political and cultural context within which the organization functions. This course is repeatable for credit.


EDEL 7010 Leadership Teach/Lrn Org I

Prerequisite: Admission to the Ed.S. Educational Leadership program. Initial development of interdependent system components for teaching and learning organizations including the five disciplines of self-mastery, vision, teamwork, mental models, and systems thinking; initial examination of supporting areas of capacity assessment; introduction to change strategies including communication and professional learning; and initial examination of continuous improvement for student learning and organizational effectiveness.


EDEL 7020 Sch Improve & Mental Model Chg

Prerequisite: Admission to the Ed.S. Educational Leadership program. Identification and initial plan development for a documented student achievement challenge, related professional targeted mental model and improved organizational culture.


EDEL 7100 Residency I

Prerequisites: Admission to the Ed.S. Leadership program, employment in an administrative position, and signed agreements with the district and school- based mentor. This is the first course of the performance-based field experience which guides the standards-based practical application of content associated with coursework in Architects of Change. This course is repeatable for credit.


EDEL 7200 Curriculum & Instruction

This course is the second course in the integrated studies program for leadership of high performing schools. The instructional focus is on the leadership role in sustaining a school culture and instructional program conducive to student learning, staff growth, and community involvement. This course is repeatable for credit.


EDEL 7210 Leadership Tch/Lrn Org II

Intermediate application of interdependent system components for teaching and learning organizations including the five disciplines of self-mastery, vision, teamwork, mental models, and systems thinking;intermediate examination of supporting areas of capacity assessment; intermediate application of change strategies including communication and professional learning; and intermediate examination of continuous improvement for student learning and organizational effectiveness.


EDEL 7220 Leadership Consensus, Col, Chg

Development and application of strategies for making decisions that emphasize consensus and collaboration for sustainable professional engagement in addition to the study and application of research-based strategies to lead mental model change among professionals. The candidate will use an audit of team members to improve group interactions and group performance.


EDEL 7300 Residency II

Prerequisites: Admission to the Educational Leadership Program Ed.S., employment in an administrative position, signed agreements with the district and school-based mentor, and successful completion of Architects of Change and Residency I. This is the second course of the performance-based field experience which guides the standards-based practical application of content associated with the coursework in Curriculum and Instruction. This course is repeatable for credit.


EDEL 7700 Residency III

Prerequisites: Admission to the Educational Leadership Program Ed.S., employment in an administrative position, signed agreements with the district and school-based mentor, and successful completion of Curriculum and Instruction and Residency II. This is the third course of the performance-based field experience which guides the standards-based practical application of content associated with the coursework in Resources and Synthesis and Closure. This course is repeatable for credit.


EDEL 7900 Synthesis & Closure

Prerequisite: Admission to the Ed.S. program in Education Leadership and satisfactory completion of EDEL 7000 and 7200. This is the fourth course in the integrated studies program for leadership of high performing schools. The instructional focus is on the role of leadership in research, inquiry, and reflection.


EDEL 7910 Leadership Teach/Lrn Org III

Final application of interdependent system components for teaching and learning organizations including the five disciplines of self-mastery, vision, teamwork, mental models, and systems thinking; final examination for supporting areas of capacity assessment; final application for change strategies including communication and professional learning; and final examination of continuous improvement for student learning and organizational effectiveness.


EDEL 7920 Systems Thinking Effective Ldr

Implementation of a defined system addressing a focused achievement problem and related mental model having the interdependent components of personal and organizational mastery, vision, teamwork and mental models. Development and application of presentation skills for a recorded presentation and recorded reflective team meeting of the current status of a leadership change initiative. The candidate will use collective reflective feedback from participants to assess culture and performance.


EDEL 7930 Leadership Tch/Lrn Org IV

Continuation of EDEL 7910 with faculty guidance as needed to complete the certification requirement of 750 clock hours of authentic leadership residency work on the Georgia Educational Leadership Standards and/or final application of skills required for the Leadership Change Initiative. Course may be repeated for credit.

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