Undergraduate Catalog 2024-2025

MAED - Mathematics Education

MAED 3000 Foundations of Mathematics

Prerequisite: Admission into the Early Childhood Education Cohort or permission of the instructor. This course is required for all early childhood education majors and is necessary for the completion of the early childhood program. It is designed to expose prospective early childhood teachers to a variety of problem-solving strategies in order to foster an in-depth understanding of algebra in elementary grades mathematics, cross-disciplinary thinking, and the ability to communicate appropriately.


MAED 3001 Number Systems I

Prerequisites: MATH 2008, MAED 3000, or permission of the instructor. This course focuses on data analysis and probability including counting, probability, and descriptive statistics with some inferential statistics including appropriate representations of data, misleading statistics, measures of central tendency, measures of variance, and distributions.


MAED 3002 Number Systems II

Prerequisites: Completion of the Area A mathematics requirement, MATH 2008, and MAED 3000. This course focuses on an intuitive development of geometric ideas including measurement, area, perimeter, volume, coordinate geometry, symmetry, and transformations. This course will emphasize relationships between and among shapes and properties, transformations, location in a coordinate plane, and visualization.


MAED 3100 Mathematical Investigating

Prerequisite: Admission into the Middle Grades Cohort. This course is required for all middle grade education majors and is necessary for the completion of the middle grades program. It is designed to expose prospective middle grades teachers to a variety of problem solving strategies to foster their in-depth understanding of middle grades mathematics, cross-disciplinary thinking, and ability to communicate appropriately.


MAED 3119 Geom/Measure in Secondary Math

Prerequisite: C or higher in MATH 3030. This course is designed to enable prospective teachers of mathematics in grades 6-12 to effectively integrate technology and manipulative into the teaching and learning process. The content of the course focuses on the exploration of mathematical content areas such as measurement, geometry, and trigonometry. The content of the course is supported by research on the teaching and learning of these topics.


MAED 3121 Number/Algebra Secondary Math

Prerequisite: C or higher in MATH 3030. This course is designed to enable prospective teachers of mathematics in grades 6-12 to effectively integrate technology and manipulatives into the teaching and learning process. The content of the course focuses on the exploration of mathematical content areas such as numbers and operations and algebra. The content of the course is supported by research on the teaching and learning of these topics.


MAED 3950 Special Topics

Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor. Selected topics in mathematics education not available in other departmental courses.

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MAED 4000 Methods of Scndry Sch Math Tc

Prerequisite: MATH 3030 or permission of the instructor. Topics will include examining research in instructional strategies, classroom management, assessment techniques, lesson planning, multicultural and gender issues, beliefs, and/or student learning in mathematics education.


MAED 4080 Concepts in Algebra

Prerequisite: MAED 3100 or MATH 2008. Topics include pre-algebra concepts, linear and quadratic equations, inequalities, applications of algebra to real-life situations.


MAED 4295 Math Concepts for Spec Ed

Prerequisite: C or better in MATH 2008 and entry into the Special Education cohort or Nexus program. This course covers measurement, shapes & properties in Euclidean Geometry, and select topics from numbers and operations and algebraic reasoning. Students will use manipulatives and technology to balance exploration and reflection, reason with relationships, investigate invariants, and generalize mathematical ideas.


MAED 4510 Concepts in Geometry

Topics include an intuitive development of geometry concepts, symmetry, motions in geometry, similarity and congruence. Intuitive development of real number measurements in perimeter, area, and volume.


MAED 4600 Probabil & Stat for Mdl Sch Tc

Prerequisite: MAED 3000 or permission of the instructor. This course is designed to acquaint the student with the theory of probability and apply this to statistical theory. Topics include descriptive statistics, random variables, probability distributions, sampling distributions, confidence interval estimation, hypothesis testing, simple linear regression and correlation.


MAED 4680 Concepts in Discrete Math

Prerequisite: MAED 3000 or permission of the instructor. Topics include graph theory, linear programming, game theory, and related topics as well as applications.


MAED 4950 Special Topics

Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor. Selected topics in mathematics education not available in other departmental courses.

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MAED 5000 Methds for Scndry Sch Mth Tchr

Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor. Topics may include research in instructional strategies, classroom management, assessment techniques, lesson planning, multicultural and gender issues, and beliefs and student learning in mathematics education.