Undergraduate Catalog 2023-2024


ENSC 3000 Seminar

(2-0-2) Studies in selected field of biology and/or environmental science requiring preparation of a scientific paper or papers and at least one oral presentation by each student. Crosslisted as: BIOL 3000.


ENSC 3050 Environ Prob & Sustain Solut

(3-0-3) Prerequisites: ENSC 1000, ENSC 1000L, and BIOL 2800. In this course, students will examine current environmental issues including climate change, agriculture and sustainable communities. Students will research solutions to environmental problems and practice developing their scientific writing and presentation skills.


ENSC 3200 Econ & Environmental Geology

(3-2-4) Prerequisite: GEOL 1121 and GEOL 1121L, or GEOL 1122 and GEOL 1122L. In this course students will learn the significance, formation, occurrence, distribution, extraction and environmental impacts of both economic and industrial minerals. This course will be based on finding solutions to environmental problems in the context of earth resources. In order to effectively address these challenging environmental issues, students will learn about natural resources and how to find sustainable solutions that foster both environment health and economic growth. Crosslisted as: GEOL 3200. Additional laboratory fee required; see semester course schedule for amount.


ENSC 3500 Marine Biology

(3-2-4) Prerequisites: BIOL 1107 and BIOL 1108. An introduction to marine organisms and the chemical, physical and geological features of the environments they inhabit with an emphasis placed on taxonomic diversity, ecological interactions and anthropogenic pressures.


ENSC 3680 Natu Resources/Environ Ecology

(3-0-3) Prerequisites: ECON 2105 & 2106, or ECON 2100. A study of how economic forces can lead to environmental degradation and how the same forces can be directed to enhance environmental quality. Topics include resource and environmental valuations, property rights and externalities, market failure, alternative solutions and policies, problems in monitoring and enforcement, economic analysis of the development of legislation and regulation, and applications to current policy issues. (This course is equivalent to ECON 3680).


ENSC 3800 GI Science Tech-Landscape Ecol

(2-4-4) Prerequisite: BIOL 2800. An introduction to the principles of landscape ecology, emphasizing how spatial heterogeneity and human activities influence ecological systems and the use of Geographic Information science techniques to analyze ecological patterns at the landscape level. This course is equivalent to BIOL 3800. Additional laboratory fee required; see semester course schedule for amount.


ENSC 3999 Undergraduate Research

(VAR 0-4) Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor. Specific course topics will vary depending on the instructor. Students will take part in undergraduate research projects that pertain to environmental science. This course is repeatable for credit. (This course is equivalent to BIOL 3999.)

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