Undergraduate Catalog 2024-2025


ARTS 4110 Painting IV

Prerequisites: ARTS 3100 and 3110. Exploration of media and approach in a non-traditional manner. Includes writing and research component. Additional studio fee required; see semester course schedule for amount.


ARTS 4120 Painting V

Prerequisites: ARTS 4110. Intensive studio experience based upon a student-generated project resulting in the production of a coherent body of work. Includes writing and research component. Additional studio fee required; see semester course schedule for amount.


ARTS 4198 Sculpture in Expanded Media IV

Prerequisites: ARTS 1201, ARTS 2750, ARTS 3750, and ARTS 3760. This course is an advanced study of a particular theme or topic in sculpture through student-centered learning activities in a variety of mixed media, readings, research, and analysis. It is designed for students who have completed fundamental courses in three-dimensional arts and who want to study specific topics that are not offered in the curriculum.


ARTS 4199 Sculpture in Expanded Media V

Prerequisites: ARTS 1201, ARTS 2750, ARTS 3750, ARTS 3760, and ARTS 4198. This course is an advanced study of particular interests in history, theory, and artistic practice of contemporary sculpture. This course provides an opportunity for developing students' technical and conceptual directions within the context of contemporary sculptural practice. Students will be designing and building sculptural structures and surfaces that propose their chosen special topics. Within the semester, students will produce five independent projects and written historical research related to contemporary art.


ARTS 4200 Photography IV

Prerequisites: ARTS 2200, 3200, or 3240. This course will cover the history and theory of color photography with an emphasis on student working in a serial manner to develop a coherent body of work. Non-traditional and interdisciplinary approaches to photography will be explored and encouraged. Processing of slide and negative films as well as prints from both types of film. In addition to studio work, students will engage in written historical research related to photography. Additional studio fee required; see semester course schedule for amount.


ARTS 4240 Photography V

Prerequisites: ARTS 2200, 3200 or 3240.This course will explore medium and large format photography with an emphasis on student working in a serial manner to develop a coherent body of work. Non-traditional and interdisciplinary approaches to photography will be explored and encouraged. In addition to studio work, students will engage in written historical research related to photography. Additional studio fee required; see semester course schedule for amount.


ARTS 4300 Printmaking III: Litho & Seri

Prerequisites: ARTS 2300. The processes of lithography and silkscreen are explored, allowing for a broader understanding and facility with the limestone, aluminum, and silkscreen matrices. As greater stress is placed on the development of an informed personal esthetic, technical and conceptual expectations exceed those of prior printmaking courses. Students will engage in written historical research related to the media, and through their visual and written work are to continue questioning past constructs and current preconceptions regarding printmaking and the fine arts. Additional studio fee required; see semester course schedule for amount.


ARTS 4330 Printmaking IV: Adv Studio Wk

Prerequisites: ARTS 2300 and 3300. Individual student engagement in advanced, concept-driven investigations involving a specific process or combined printmaking media. Participants will develop a cohesive body of work by exhibiting a high degree of self-reliance, maintaining close communication with the instructor, and experiencing the freedom and responsibility to explore, experiment, and refine their work conceptually and technically. Additional studio fee required; see semester course schedule for amount.


ARTS 4400 Museum Stds III: Theory & Dev

Prerequisites: ARTS 2400. This course focuses on curatorial principles: how a curator researches and critically selects artists for exhibitions, develops exhibitions and collections, and works in a museum environment. This course will survey historical and contemporary examples of American exhibitions.


ARTS 4420 Museum Stds IV: Museum Admin

Prerequisites: ARTS 2400. This course focuses on museum administration and its organizational structure. This course will survey the roles and relationships of museum departments and operational issues, including security and disaster planning; museum accounting and finance, including budgeting management; leadership, strategic and operational planning; and legal and ethical issues facing museums and galleries.


ARTS 4510 Ceramics III

Prerequisites: ARTS 2510. Students choose an emphasis between hand-building or wheel-thrown ceramic work and refine their skills learned in Ceramics II. Concepts and designs are stressed with assignments that allow students to develop their own artistic vision. Non-traditional and interdisciplinary approaches to ceramics will be explored and encouraged. Students are encouraged to explore alternate firing processes and are responsible for firing their own kilns. Additional studio fee required; see semester course schedule for amount.


ARTS 4520 Ceramics IV

Prerequisite: ARTS 3510 and 4510. Students choose an emphasis between hand-building or wheel-thrown ceramic work and refine their skills learned in Ceramics III. Students will propose a ceramic-based research assignments with the guidance and approval of the instructor in relation to the student's artistic vision through the exploration of working in a series. Non-traditional and interdisciplinary approaches to ceramics will be explored and encouraged. Students will be expected to understand the principles and the fundamentals of various firing processes and will be responsible for firing their own kilns. Additional studio fee required; see semester course schedule for amount.


ARTS 4630 Graphic Design Studio III

Prerequisites: ARTS 3635 and ARTS 3631. This course eplores advanced design approach to provide visual solutions for theoretical and conceptual design problems. The course provides students scopes of design methodologies such as critical thinking, marketing strategy, intensive research, ideation process, prototype model, and visual presentation. Additional studio fee required; see semester course schedule for amount.


ARTS 4635 Special Topic in Design

Special Topics in Design explores variety of topics focused in the area of conceptual design and visual research. Topics will assist students to explore design strategies and solve visual problems through experimentation of various contemporary creative solutions. Topics for this course will vary from semester to semester. Repeatable to a maximum of 6 credits.


ARTS 4640 Digital V: Adv Digital Studio

Prerequisites: ARTS 2620, 3620, and 3640. The computer as a creative medium begins to come out of its box while further developing traditional software-based art making. Concepts will be explored such as interactivity in real as well as virtual spaces, global media, telecommunication, or robotics. The students' individual artistic voices are developed in increasingly self-directed formats. Additional studio fee required; see semester course schedule for amount.


ARTS 4800 Women and Art

Prerequisite: ARTS 2800 or ARTS 2810 or Permission of instructor. This course introduces women artists traditionally neglected by art historical surveys, though the primary emphasis of the course will be on the socio-historical issues and the critical concepts that have informed these exclusions. Beginning with goddess cultures, we will map the impact Feminisms have had on art production and reception, and feminist art historians' efforts to reconstruct the art historical canon. Theories of race and class will be explored as well as contributions from film theory and lesbian studies. This course is equivalent to WMST 4800; students may not receive credit for both courses.


ARTS 4801 Sacred Things in Middle Ages

Prerequisite: ARTS 2800 or ARTS 2810 or permission of the instructor. An exploration of the materiality of sacred art and spaces from across the Christian Middle Ages in Europe and the Mediterranean. Works including catacomb frescoes, liturgical objects, reliquaries, pilgrim’s badges, icons, mosaics, manuscript illumination, sculpture, and church architecture are investigated for how medieval people made and interacted with sacred things, with consideration of the rich cultural interchange with medieval Jews and Muslims.


ARTS 4802 Italian Renaissance Art

Prerequisites: ARTS 2800 or ARTS 2810 or permission of the instructor. A survey of painting, sculpture, prints, and architecture produced in Italy from 1300 to 1600 with a focus on the major cultural centers of Rome, Florence, Milan, and Venice. Artistic developments are considered in their historical context with special attention paid to issues of style, patronage, artistic exchange, and theories about art.


ARTS 4803 Northern Renaissance Art

Prerequisite: ARTS 2800 or ARTS 2810 or permission of the instructor. A survey of painting, prints, and sculpture produced in northern Europe from 1400 to 1600 with emphasis on issues of workshop practices, court culture, the effects of commerce on the art market and patronage, humanism, witchcraft, and the religious upheaval of the Protestant Reformation in the Low Countries, France, and Germany. Artists considered include Jan van Eyck, Rogier van der Weyden, Albrecht Dürer, Hieronymus Bosch, and Pieter Brueghel.


ARTS 4804 From Rubens to Rembrandt

Prerequisites: ARTS 2800 or ARTS 2810 or permission of the instructor. A survey of 17th-century northern European art from Rubens in Flanders to Rembrandt in the Dutch Republic. Topics will address characteristics of style, studio practices, patronage, religious shifts, social developments, and market issues with emphasis on various methodological approaches to the study of the meaning and function of art from this period.


ARTS 4805 Baroque Rome

Prerequisites: ARTS 2800 or ARTS 2810 or permission of the instructor. An exploration of the grandeur and exuberance of Rome’s magnificent buildings, newly designed thoroughfares, and lavishly decorated churches and villas that shaped its identity in early modernity as Roma Caput Mundi (Rome, capital of the world). Works of 17th-century architecture, painting, printmaking, drawing, and sculpture are considered within their religious, social, and historical context. Topics include Rome’s urban history and city planning design, papal authority, the impact of the Protestant Reformation and Catholic Counter Reformation, workshop practices, patronage and collecting, and the special allure of the city for pilgrims.


ARTS 4810 Twentieth-Cent Art, 1900-1950

Prerequisites: ARTS 2800 or ARTS 2810 or permission of instructor. A survey of art of the first five decades of the 20th century examining painting, sculpture and architecture emphasizing their interrelationships within historical contexts. Theoretical and formal discussions will focus upon the critical assessment of various works and movements, changes in the production and reception of art, and reasons for the shift from Paris to New York as the home of the "avant-garde."


ARTS 4820 Contemporary Art

Prerequisites: ARTS 2800 and ARTS 2810 or permission of instructor. A survey of post-World War II art, examining painting, sculpture, photography, performance, video, film, conceptual practices, and the mass media. Critical issues to be examined include the art market, feminist art practices, the politics of identity, and artistic freedom and censorship.


ARTS 4845 African Art History

Prerequisite: ARTS 2800 or ARTS 2810 or permission of instructor. An introduction to the arts and material culture of sub-Saharan Africa from ancient times to present. Emphasis on relationship of art forms to social and cultural contexts. Course is also offered as BLST 4845. Credit may only be earned once.


Cross Listed Courses

AFST 4845, BLST 4845

ARTS 4850 Art Criticism

Prerequisites: ARTS 2800 or ARTS 2810, and one upper level Art History course (ARTS 4800-4889). This course will explore selected aspects of the history, theory, and practice of art criticism, with special consideration to modernism and postmodernism and their immediate historical antecedents. We will engage the art of this century in three ways: 1) by inquiring into the nature of experience, especially aesthetic experience; 2) by reading and discussing a wide range of influential art-critical texts; and 3) by developing our own knowledge and skills as critics of art.


ARTS 4851 Comparative Aesthetics

This course is designed to introduce students to diverse philosophies of art from a variety of cultural perspectives. Every culture has questions and ideas about the origins and nature of art and the philosophical basis of art's relationship to human existence. Art is intimately linked to diverse religious practices and to various ceremonies of birth, transition, death, and transcendence. Through explorations of the visual and performing arts of several different world cultures, this course compares similarities and contrasts differences of diverse cultural responses to these basic philosophical questions about the nature of art and its role in human life.


ARTS 4855 Public Art and Media Culture

Prerequisite: ARTS 2800 or ARTS 2810, and one upper- level Art History course (ARTS 4800-4889). An in-depth exploration of theories and practices of contemporary art in the public realm and of popular media culture. On a theoretical level, students will learn how to employ postmodern theories of cultural criticism to decipher and deconstruct mass-media representations. Students will also learn contemporary theories and exemplary practitioners of New Genre Public Art, and will learn practical strategies for community interaction and activism through active participation in a community art project.


ARTS 4870 Hist Photography,1839-Present

Prerequisites: ARTS 2800 or ARTS 2810 or permission of instructor. The social and aesthetic history of photography from its inception through the present.


ARTS 4880 Asian Art History: Chinese Art

Introduction to the arts of selected Chinese cultures from ancient times to present. Emphasis on relationship of art forms to social and cultural contexts.


ARTS 4881 Asian Art History: Indian Art

Introduction to the arts of Indian cultures from ancient times to present. Emphasis on relationship of art forms to social and cultural contexts.


ARTS 4882 Asian Art History: SE Asia

Introduction to the arts of Southeast Asian cultures from ancient times to present. Emphasis on relationship of art forms to social and cultural contexts.


ARTS 4890 Teach Multiculturalism/Art K12

This course is designed for future K-12 educators who want to incorporate art as an interdisciplinary strategy to teach their students about various aspects of our multicultural world. The course combines critical theory with "hands-on," practical experiences. Students will learn how to use (and adapt) basic lesson plans and "hands-on" art-related activities to foster their future students' multicultural awareness global, national, community, and personal issues. The course also features a service learning/school placement component to provide students with practical opportunities to contribute and make valuable connections in our local communities. This course is equivalent to ARED 4890; students may not receive credit for both courses.


ARTS 4895 Writing About Art

Prerequisite: ARTS 2800 or ARTS 2810. This course examines the diverse methodologies, theories, and influential texts that have framed the discipline of art history. Emphasis will be placed on building skills of critical reading, advanced research, writing techniques, and oral communication. Writing projects will culminate in an original research paper with an opportunity to present the paper at an undergraduate student research conference. This course is ideal for those interested in graduate studies or pursuing careers as art historians, museum curators, or artists.


ARTS 4930 Visual Culture: Crit Perspect

Prerequisite: ARTS 2800 or ARTS 2810. This course introduces students to the critical study of visual culture. Drawing from visual studies, cultural studies, art theory and history, film and television theory and new media theory, we will study a range of concepts and approaches to visual culture. In tandem, we will examine a range of images and objects drawn from fields such as contemporary art, film, photography, digital media and advertising.


ARTS 4950 Special Topics

Prerequisite: permission of department. Consideration of topics in which courses are not otherwise offered, but for which there is a current need.

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ARTS 4960 Internship

Prerequisites: Approval by the department chairperson. An individually designed and planned learning experience involving off-campus field experience and study in the private or public sector.

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ARTS 4970 Arts Practicum

Prerequisites: Student must be an Art major with an overall GPA of 2.5, completed all upper level coursework in the practicum area, and have the permission of the instructor. Through individual interaction/collaboration with Art History, Studio Art, or Museum Studies faculty, students are provided the opportunity to develop skills in research, teaching methodology, and studio maintenance within the student's major area of interest. This course is repeatable for credit.


ARTS 4980 Study Abroad

See the International Studies section of the catalog for details.

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ARTS 4981 Graphic Design Capstone I

Prerequisite: Art major with Graphic Design concentration and senior status. This course provides a platform for students to carry out independent study focusing on advanced research, idea development, visual exploration, and oral presentation. This course will place emphasis on understanding design theory and developing conceptual methodology to craft a strong portfolio. Additional studio fee required; see semester course schedule for amount.


ARTS 4982 Graphic Design Capstone II

Prerequisite: ARTS 4981. This course is a continued exploration of an in-depth research and conceptual development that focuses on identifying visual problems and developing alternative design solutions. This course is designed to prepare students for their senior exhibition, oral defense, and professional portfolio. Additional studio fee required; see semester course schedule for amount.


ARTS 4985 Advanced Studio Problems

Prerequisites: Student must have completed the most advanced 3000/4000 level course in the designated discipline and have the permission of instructor. Individual problems in the studio area. Additional special course fee required; see semester course schedule for amount.


ARTS 4990 Senior Project

Prerequisites: Student must be an Art major in the senior year. Weekly critiques will focus on the development of a coherent body of artwork, using the student's choice of medium. Required as preparation for the Senior Exhibition. Must be taken the semester before Senior Exhibition.


ARTS 4991 Senior Exhibition

Prerequisite: ARTS 4990. The student will continue to develop and refine a coherent body of work that will culminate in the senior exhibition. Professional presentation of the work and issues surrounding the exhibition of artwork will be addressed.


ARTS 4994 Senior Thesis Project

Prerequisite: Student must be an Art major with a Fine Art Studio concentration. As the initial stage of the Senior Capstone, a creative research project will focus on the development of a cohesive body of new work. This research will be developed under the supervision of the Art faculty. Required as preparation for ARTS 4995 Senior Thesis Exhibition. Additional studio fee required; see semester course schedule for details.


ARTS 4995 Senior Thesis Exhibition

Prerequisite: ARTS 4994. Student must be an Art major with a Fine Art Studio concentration. Students will continue to develop and refine their creative research into a substantial cohesive body of new work, culminating in a public exhibition of professional quality and in completion of the Senior Capstone. This scholarship will be developed under supervision of the Art faculty. Additional studio fee required; see semester course schedule for details.


ARTS 4996 Museum Stds: Sr Curator Rsch

Prerequisite: Student must be an Art major with a Museum Studies concentration in the senior year. Student will meet with faculty on a weekly basis to discuss progress on individual research related to specific problems in Museum Studies. Required as preparation for the Senior Thesis and Curatorial Presentation. Must be taken the semester before Senior Thesis and Curatorial Presentation.


ARTS 4997 Museum Stds: Thesis & Cur Pres

Prerequisite: ARTS 4996. Writing and presentation of Senior Thesis as developed from the Senior Curatorial Research. Student will curate and organize an exhibition.


ARTS 4998 Art Hist Vis Culture Capstone

Prerequisite: Art major with an Art History and Visual Culture concentration and senior status. The student will develop a substantial scholarly project on a topic in art history with emphasis on research, writing, and presentation. The student will work in conjunction with a faculty advisor.


ARTS 4999 Art History Senior Capstone II

(3-0-3) Prerequisites: ARTS 4998, and permission of instructor. Student must be an Art major with an Art History concentration. Students will enroll in this course to complete their "Senior Capstone" experience, synthesizing and presenting their research begun in ARTS 4998.