Undergraduate Catalog 2024-2025


ENGL 4011 Script Writing

Prerequisites: ENGL 3011 or permission of instructor. A practical study of the techniques and craft of writing scripts for the stage, screen, or broadcast media. (Cross-listed as THEA 4011.) This course is repeatable for credit.


ENGL 4012 Creative Nonfiction Writing

Prerequisites: ENGL 3012 or permission of the instructor. A practical study of the techniques and craft of writing the creative nonfiction essay, article, or interview. This course is repeatable for credit.


ENGL 4013 Literary Translation

Prerequisite: ENGL 3011 or ENGL 3012 or ENGL 3021 or ENGL 3022, or permission of instructor. A workshop/studio course exploring the techniques and applications of creatively translating a literary text from another language into English. Study in another language helpful but not necessary. This course is repeatable for credit.


ENGL 4021 Poetry Workshop

Prerequisites: ENGL 3021 or permission of instructor. A workshop-intensive course in the practical study of the techniques, craft, and meaning of poetry. This course is repeatable for credit.


ENGL 4022 Fiction Workshop

Prerequisites: ENGL 3022 or permission of instructor. A workshop-intensive course in the practical study of the techniques, craft, and meaning of short fiction. This course is repeatable for credit.


ENGL 4023 Teach Writing in Schools I

This is the first course in a two-semester sequence in which students mentor small groups of apprentice writers. Students learn classroom skills and strategies for teaching writing in the schools. This course is the prerequisite for the spring course (ENGL 4024) in the two-semester sequence (the spring course fulfills the senior capstone requirement for the ENGL-CRWR major concentration. Prerequisite: ENGL 2208 and permission of instructor.


ENGL 4024 Teach Writing in Schools II

Prerequisite: ENGL 4023 and permission of instructor. This is the second course in a two-semester sequence in which students mentor small groups of apprentice writers. Students learn classroom skills and strategies for teaching writing in the schools. This course fulfills the senior capstone requirement for the Creative Writing and Literature concentrations.


ENGL 4025 Lit Journal Design & Editing

Prerequisite: ENGL 2208, and junior or senior status. This course teaches the rudiments of literary journal publishing (conception, design, selection, and production) and the use of desktop publishing applications (such as Photoshop and InDesign) to produce a unique literary journal from scratch. This course is especially useful to upper division majors in English and Art (graphic design) and fulfills the senior capstone requirement for the Creative Writing concentration and for the Literature concentration. (Note: This course is also open to sophomores and juniors who have been selected for The Peacock's Feet staff. These students are encouraged to enroll in the class and will be given priority for enrollment).


ENGL 4031 Creative Writing Sr Seminar

Prerequisites: ENGL 4011, ENGL 4012, ENGL 4021, or ENGL 4022; this course serves as the Senior Exit Exam for the B.A. English/Creative Writing major and is typically taken in the major’s last or next to last semester before graduation. A review of the literary discipline, from both critical and creative perspectives, essential to the English major with a concentration in Creative Writing.


ENGL 4110 Literary Criticism

Prerequisite: Sophomore status. A focused study of one or two methodologies of literary criticism.


ENGL 4111 Ecocriticism

Prerequisite: ENGL 1102. An introduction to the methodological approach of ecocriticism, with a special focus on the environmental humanities and literature.


ENGL 4112 Theories of Comp and Lit

Prerequisite: Sophomore status. A study of the theories affecting contemporary approaches to composition and literary analysis.


ENGL 4115 Hist of the English Language

Prerequisite: Sophomore status. A study of the development of the English language from its Indo-European roots to its present status as a world language.


ENGL 4116 Structure of Present-Day Eng

Prerequisite: Sophomore status. A comprehensive study of the phonology, morphology, and syntax of present-day English, with reference to standards, variations, and pedagogy.


ENGL 4220 Medieval English Literature

Prerequisite: Sophomore status. A study of selected works in Old or Middle English, read in the original language.


ENGL 4223 Chaucer

Prerequisite: Sophomore status. A study of selected works from Chaucer, read in the original language.


ENGL 4224 Renaissance Poetry and Prose

Prerequisite: Sophomore standing. A study of selected works of poetry and prose from the Renaissance period in England, continental Europe, and explorations of the Americas.


ENGL 4225 English Renaissance Literature

Prerequisite: Sophomore status. A study of selected works from the English Renaissance.


ENGL 4226 Topics in Shakespeare

Prerequisite: Sophomore status. A study of selected topics, genres, or issues in Shakespeare; may be linked with a Shakespearean production staged by the Department of Theatre. (Cross-listed as THEA 4226.)


ENGL 4227 Milton

Prerequisites: Sophomore status. A study of selected major and minor works of Milton.


ENGL 4228 Development of English Drama

Prerequisites: Sophomore status. A study of the development of English drama from the Middle Ages through the early modern period. (Cross-listed as THEA 4228.)


ENGL 4229 English Renaissance Drama

Prerequisite: Sophomore standing. A study of dramatic literature from the Elizabethan and Jacobean periods in England.


ENGL 4320 Environment and Literature

Prerequisite: ENGL 1102. A study of literature with a focus on environmental themes.


ENGL 4330 Restoration & 18th Cent Lit

Prerequisites: Sophomore status. A study of the development of the English novel in the eighteenth century.


ENGL 4331 Eighteenth-Cent English Novel

Prerequisites: Sophomore status. A study of the development of the English novel in the eighteenth century.


ENGL 4335 English Romanticism

Prerequisites: Sophomore status. A study of selected British Romantic works.


ENGL 4337 Victorian Literature

Prerequisites: Sophomore status. A study of selected British Victorian works.


ENGL 4338 19th-Century English Novel

Prerequisites: Sophomore status. A study of the development of the British novel in the nineteenth century.


ENGL 4440 Modern Drama

Prerequisites: Sophomore status. A study of selected modern and/or contemporary plays. (Cross-listed as THEA 4440.)


ENGL 4441 20th-Century British Fiction

Prerequisites: Sophomore status. A study of selected works of twentieth-century fiction from the British Isles.


ENGL 4445 Literary Women

Prerequisites: Sophomore status. A multicultural study of the contributions of women writers and critics to the development of literature. (Cross-listed as WMST 4445.)


ENGL 4446 Modern Poetry

Prerequisites: Sophomore status. A study of modern and/or contemporary poetry.


ENGL 4447 Comparative Literature

Prerequisites: Sophomore status. A comparative study of texts from different backgrounds and cultures. (Cross-listed as BLST 4447.)


Cross Listed Courses

BLST 4447

ENGL 4448 Adolescent Literature

Prerequisites: Sophomore status. A comprehensive overview of adolescent literature, its history and genres, the issues and approaches it has generated, and its links with the major literary movements in adult literature. Other areas of focus are the problems and questions unique to adolescence and how these are reflected in the literature for this audience.


ENGL 4449 Great Books of the Western Wrl

Prerequisites: Sophomore status. A study of selected influential texts of literature, history, science, etc.


ENGL 4450 International Women's Lit

Prerequisite: Sophomore standing. A study of literature and film by and about women from a global perspective and from perspectives of women's and gender studies.


ENGL 4451 African Literature

Prerequisite: Sophomore status. In-depth study of African literature, with attention to its social, political, historical, and economic backgrounds. Attention to the historical development of African literature and aesthetics, and the differences and continuities between Anglophone and Francophone writers. Course is also offered as BLST 4451. Credit may only be earned once.


Cross Listed Courses

BLST 4451, AFST 4451

ENGL 4452 African Women Writers

Prerequisite: Sophomore status. A course concerned with the African woman writer's preoccupation with the condition of African womanhood. It will look at these writers' treatment of issues like motherhood, polygamy, marriage, changing roles, the exploitation of women, the education of women, women in politics, and women and tradition. Course is also offered as BLST 4452 and WMST 4452. Credit may only be earned once.


Cross Listed Courses

BLST 4452, AFST 4452

ENGL 4455 Lit of the Islamic World

Prerequisite: Sophomore status. In-depth study of selected works by writers culturally connected to the Islamic world (or its diaspora), with attention to cultural, political, and historical backgrounds relevant to the works, including special attention to literary and aesthetic developments across the Islamic world. Course Themes will vary.


ENGL 4468 Intro to Japan Lit & Culture

Prerequisite: Sophomore status. This course introduces students to the basic developmental conditions of Japanese literature and culture from the earliest times to the present. Works studied will include traditional poetic contemporary religion (Shinto), historical periods of japanese literature, and the effect of westernization on contemporary Japanese artistic expression.


ENGL 4530 Early American Literature

Prerequisite: Sophomore standing. A study of selected American literature before 1800.


ENGL 4540 American Romanticism

Prerequisite: Sophomore standing. A study of selected American literature from 1800-1865.


ENGL 4550 American Literature to 1865

Prerequisite:Sophomore status. A study of selected American works before 1865, emphasizing literary romanticism.


ENGL 4555 American Realism

Prerequisite: Sophomore status. A study of selected American works from 1865 to 1920, emphasizing literary realism.


ENGL 4660 Modern American Literature

Prerequisite: Sophomore standing. A study of early twentieth-century American literature.


ENGL 4662 Southern Literature

Prerequisite: Sophomore status. A study of selected works from the modern South.


ENGL 4664 Flannery O'Connor

Prerequisite: Sophomore status. A study of short stories, novels, and critical essays of Flannery O'Connor, with access to the O'Connor collection. (Cross-listed as WMST 4664.)


ENGL 4665 American Lit from 1920-Present

Prerequisite: Sophomore status. A study of selected American works from 1920 to the present, emphasizing literary modernism and post-modernism.


ENGL 4667 African-American Literature

Prerequisite: Sophomore status. A study of selected works of African-American literature. (Cross-listed as BLST 4667.)


Cross Listed Courses

BLST 4667

ENGL 4669 Multicultural Amer Literature

Prerequisite: Sophomore status. A study of American literature arising from ethnic or immigrant experience. (Cross-listed as BLST 4669.)


Cross Listed Courses

BLST 4669

ENGL 4671 Studies in Native American Lit

Prerequisite: Sophomore status. Study of selected works of Native American literature, with attention to socio-cultural context. Specific focus may vary from semester to semester (e.g. "'Contemporary Native American Women Writers" or "Native American myths and traditional literature") so that students might take the course for credit more than once with permission of the instructor.


ENGL 4673 Topics in Child/Adol Lit

Prerequisite: Sophomore status.


ENGL 4675 Contemporary American Lit

Prerequisite: Sophomore standing. A study of contemporary American literature.


ENGL 4680 Hip Hop Literature & Culture

Prerequisite: Sophomore standing. This course examines hip hop literature and culture as extensions of larger traditions of African American literature and culture.


ENGL 4740 Women & Popular Culture

Prerequisite: Sophomore status. A study of selected works by and about women from literature and popular culture focused on genres, issues, and images connected to gender.


ENGL 4770 Studies in Folklore

Prerequisite: Sophomore status. Study of major areas, genres, and branches of folklore, along with historical and theoretical trends in the discipline. Specific focus may vary or be specialized in certain semesters (e.g. folk narratives, material culture, women's folklore, or history and theories of folklore) so that students may take the course for credit more than once with permission of instructor.


ENGL 4775 Folklore and Literature

Prerequisite: Sophomore status. A study of the interconnections between folklore and literature and how they influence each other, from a global perspective.


ENGL 4810 Film Studies

Prerequisite: Sophomore status. A study of film and film theory.


ENGL 4820 Jane Austen on Film

Prerequisite: Sophomore standing. A study of selected texts by Jane Austen in comparison with film adaptations of Austen's work.


ENGL 4830 Topics in Film, TV, New Media

Prerequisite: sophomore status. Special studies in topics in film analysis. This course is repeatable for credit.


ENGL 4850 Special Topics: Single Author

Prerequisite: Sophomore status. Study of the works of a single author of special interest not routinely offered in the curriculum. Offered subject to student and faculty interest and demand. This course is repeatable for credit.


ENGL 4890 American Film & the South

Prerequisite: sophomore standing. Introduction to key fiction and nonfiction films that depict the American South.


ENGL 4900 Seminar of Lang & Literature

Prerequisite: ENGL 3900 or permission of chairperson. A culmination course reviewing the interpretation and research skills of film and literary study and preparing for careers or graduate school. For students in the film and literature concentrations, this course replaces the English exit exam and is required for graduation.


ENGL 4910 Spec Topics in American Lit

Prerequisite: Sophomore standing. Special studies in topics in American literature. This course is repeatable for credit.


ENGL 4915 Spec Topics in British Lit

Prerequisite: Sophomore standing. Special studies in topics in British literature. This course is repeatable for credit.


ENGL 4920 Spec Topics in Pre-1800 Lit

Prerequisite: Sophomore standing. Special studies in topics in pre-1800 literature. This course is repeatable for credit.


ENGL 4925 Spec Topics in Post-1800 Lit

Prerequisite: Sophomore standing. Special studies in topics in post-1800 literature. This course is repeatable for credit.


ENGL 4940 Independent Study

Prerequisite: Permission of chairperson. Tutorial investigation of a topic or author of special interest. This course is repeatable for credit.

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ENGL 4950 Special Topics

Prerequisite: Sophomore status. Topics of special interest not listed in the Catalog. This course is repeatable for credit.

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ENGL 4955 Special Topics in Intern'l Lit

Prerequisite: Sophomore status. Special studies in topics in international literature. This course is repeatable for credit.


ENGL 4960 Internship

Prerequisite: Permission of chairperson. An individually designed and planned learning experience involving off-campus field experiences and study in the public sector. This course is repeatable for credit.

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ENGL 4970 Thesis

Prerequisite: Permission of chairperson. Research, writing, and presentation of a substantial scholarly/creative project developed in conjunction with a faculty advisor or group of faculty advisors. A component of the Senior Capstone Experience options for English majors. (See Senior Capstone Experience entries in English and Rhetoric section of the catalog for details.) This course is repeatable for credit.

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ENGL 4980 Study Abroad

See the International Studies section of the Catalog for details. This course is repeatable for credit.

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ENGL 4999 Undergraduate Research

Research project undertaken for capstone credit, or in preparation for a thesis project (completed the following semester under ENGL 4970), or for a scholarly or creative presentation or publication at GCSU or elsewhere. Component of the Senior Capstone Experience options for English literature concentration majors (see Senior Capstone Experience entries in English section of the catalogue for details). This course is repeatable for credit.

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