Undergraduate Catalog 2024-2025


ENSC 4120 Natural Hazards

(3-0-3) A survey of the human geography of natural hazards, with emphasis on the U.S. Examines the fundamental concepts and issues regarding natural hazard risk and how environmental risk arises from the complex interaction between the physical environment and human society. (This course is equivalent to GEOG 4120).


ENSC 4450 Environment & Society

(3-0-3) A study of the basic principles of ecology, resource economics, and environmental history as they relate to environmental management and resource conservation issues around the world. Addresses the social impacts of air, water, and soil pollution, human population growth, food production, deforestation, and many other environmental issues. (This course is equivalent to GEOG 4450).


ENSC 4461 General Entomology

Prerequisite: BIOL 1108 with a C or better. A study of the natural history, morphology, physiology, taxonomy, evolutionary relationships and behavior of insects. Covers the economic and medical importance of insects. Additional laboratory fee required; see semester course schedule for amount.


ENSC 4490 Phycology

Prerequisite: BIOL 2800 with a C or better. Taxonomy, morphology, life history, ecology, and distribution of algae. Additional laboratory fee required; see semester course schedule for amount.


ENSC 4500 Invertebrate Zoology

Prerequisite: BIOL1108 with a C or better. A study of invertebrate animals covering anatomy, physiology, ecology, taxonomy, evolutionary relationships and behavior. This course is non-repeatable for credit. Additional laboratory fee required; see semester course schedule for amount.


ENSC 4610 Vertebrate Zoology

A study of the classes of vertebrates in relation to taxonomy, life history, population, and evolution. Includes laboratory and field collections emphasizing Georgia vertebrates. Additional laboratory fee required; see semester course schedule for amount.


ENSC 4660 Soil Ecology

Prerequisite: BIOL 2800 with a C or better. This course will explore the ecological interactions of soil-dwelling organisms with each other and their physical and chemical environment. Students will gain knowledge of the biology and systematics of soil biota and experience with techniques used to study soil processes mediated by biological activity. This course focuses on organisms in the soil environment, with emphasis on macrobiota and their functional roles in belowground food webs and ecosystem processes. Lab activities will emphasize quantifying soil fauna communities and ecological processes.


ENSC 4715 Oceanography

Prerequisite: BIOL 1108 with a C or better. This course will provide a broad overview of Physical, Chemical, and Geological Oceanography and functions as a complementary course to Marine Biology (ENSC 3500). The purpose of this course is to introduce the student to the main ideas, theories, techniques and accomplishments of the scientific study of the ocean. Although we call our planet "Earth", it truly is a water planet, with oceans covering almost 71 percent of its surface. Water is an absolutely necessary ingredient for the development and sustenance of living organisms, including humans. The oceans have a great deal to tell us about the development of the planet and origin of life forms on it. Students will develop a basic but clear understanding of the physics, chemistry, geology, and biology contributions that make the ocean such a unique environment, influencing all of our daily activities.


ENSC 4735 Fire Ecology

Prerequisite: BIOL 2800 with a grade of C or higher. This course will explore the roles that fire plays in natural and managed systems from the individual to ecosystem level, including historical, cultural, economic, ecological, evolutionary, and policy perspectives. Students will learn the principles, techniques, and methods used to apply prescribed fire. Additional laboratory fee required; see semester course schedule for amount.


ENSC 4745 Natural History

Prerequisite: BIOL 2800 with a grade of C or higher or instructor permission. Natural History builds understanding of biology through detailed observational study of organisms within their environmental context. Students will learn and apply practical skills for observation and documentation of organisms in the field. Additional laboratory fee required; see semester course schedule for amount.


ENSC 4862 Animal Movement Ecology

Prerequisite: BIOL 2800 with a C or better. An overview of the ecology and evolution of animal movement behavior with focus on variable strategies for survival and reproduction. Includes experiences applying techniques for quantifying animal movement in nature, and processing and analyzing associated data. Lab fee is required.


ENSC 4910 Origins: Scientific Views

Prerequisite: BIOL 3700 and Senior Standing. An examination of significant stages in the evolution of life from a scientific perspective working backward in time from the origin of human intelligence to the big bang. This course satisfies the course option for a senior capstone in biology or environmental science.


ENSC 4130 Wetland Environments

(3-0-3) A study of wetlands environments including an examination of physical properties, functions and values, and geographic variety and distribution. (This course is equivalent to GEOG 4130).


ENSC 4150 Environmental Hydrogeology

(3-2-4) Prerequisites: GEOL 1121 or GEOL 1122. This course will cover the occurrence and behavior of groundwater and groundwater systems. Students will learn the physical processes that govern the flow of groundwater in various geologic media and settings. The sources, fate, and cleanup of groundwater and soil contamination will be examined. Chemical reactions and their effects on transport will also be examined for both inorganic and organic contaminants. Multiphase flow will be investigated together with strategies for aquifer and soil remediation. All the scientific concepts will be examined in the context of some of the overriding societal issues and ethical questions. This course is equivalent to GEOL 4150. Additional laboratory fee required; see semester course schedule for amount.


ENSC 4260 Environmental Toxicology

(3-0-3) Prerequisite: CHEM 1211 or CHEM 1311, and BIOL 2800 or BIOL 3200. This course will provide students with a general understanding of toxicology as related to the environment. Fundamental concepts to be covered include the fate, transport, and biotransformation of toxic compounds; their biological targets and mechanisms; and risk assessment as related to the environmental sustainability. This course is equivalent to BIOL 4260.


ENSC 4265 Waterborne Pathogens

(4-0-4) Prerequisite: BIOL 2100 or 2800. This course will provide students with a general understanding of waterborne pathogens and their relation to the public health. Fundamental concepts to be covered include their exology, physiology, geography and sources; their routes of transmission, biological targets and disease mechanisms; and methods of prevention and removal. This course is equivalent to BIOL 4265.


ENSC 4400 Resource Use

(3-0-3) A study of the nature of natural resources, their distribution, usage, and renewal. Addresses concepts that define resources and their allocation, the geographic dimensions of natural resources, as well as the effects of their exploitation. Topics may include forests, fisheries, minerals, natural amenities, tourism, water resources, human-environmental interaction, resource evaluation, and institutional influences on resource use and management. (This course is equivalent to GEOG 4400).


Cross Listed Courses

GEOG 4400

ENSC 4415 Environmental Policy

(3-0-3) A study of the political and economic implications of environmental problems both on a national and international level. (This course is equivalent to POLS 4415).


ENSC 4450 Environment & Society

(3-0-3) A study of the basic principles of ecology, resource economics, and environmental history as they relate to environmental management and resource conservation issues around the world. Addresses the social impacts of air, water, and soil pollution, human population growth, food production, deforestation, and many other environmental issues. (This course is equivalent to GEOG 4450).


Cross Listed Courses

GEOG 4450

ENSC 4460 Applied Field Hydrogeology

(3-2-4) This course introduces students to water and wetland resources in Milledgeville and the surrounding areas. Students will learn where the water comes from, how it is treated and supplied to residents, and what happens to it after it has been used. Students will design a field project to determine the impacts of land and water use on environmental quality. The course will introduce students to common methods used in hydrogeology and environmental science by professionals and researchers in the field. This cousre is equivalent to GEOL 4460. Additional laboratory fee required; see semester course schedule for amount.


ENSC 4480 Ichthyology

(3-2-4) Prerequisite: BIOL 2800. Taxonomy, morphology, life history, ecology, and distribution of fishes. Laboratory deals with taxonomy and natural history of fishes found in central Georgia (This course is equivalent to BIOL 4480). Additional laboratory fee required; see semester course schedule for amount.


ENSC 4600 Soil & Environmental Quality

(3-2-4) Prerequisites: CHEM 1212 and CHEM 1212L, or CHEM 1212K, or CHEM 1312 and CHEM 1312L. Physical, chemical and biological properties of soils as they affect soil-plant-water relations, soil classification and suitability for agricultural and other uses; Interaction of soils with environmental contaminants and the role of soils in pollution control. (This course is equivalent to GEOL 4600). Additional laboratory fee required; see semester course schedule for amount.


ENSC 4705 Population & Community Ecology

(3-0-3) Prerequisite: BIOL 2800. An introduction to quantitative, theoretical and applied population and community ecology including population dynamics, species interactions and community structure. (This course is equivalent to BIOL 4705).


ENSC 4710 Biogeography

(4-0-4) Theories and principles concerning regional patterns of plant and animal distributions. (This course is equivalent to BIOL 4710).


ENSC 4740 Environmental Conservation

(3-0-3) Prerequisite: BIOL 2800. A consideration of major environmental questions of today's world and the ecological aspects relating to the conservation of man's renewable and non-renewable resources. This course is equivalent to BIOL 4740.


ENSC 4750 Environmental Microbiology

(3-0-3) Prerequisites: BIOL 1107 or ENSC 1000. A study of interaction of microorganisms with their environment. Emphasis on microorganisms of terrestrial and aquatic environments, and environmental determinants that control their distribution, activities, and cross-interactions in these environments. (This course is equivalent to BIOL 4750).


ENSC 4760 Plant Taxonomy

(2-4-4) Prerequisites: BIOL 1108. Plant Taxonomy provides the content and training needed to equip environmental science students with the skills required to identify vascular plants and use taxonomic data within the context of their profession. This course is not appropriate for biology majors and excludes in depth coverage of evolutionary processes and phylogenetics of vascular plants. Additional laboratory fee required; see semester course schedule for amount.


ENSC 4765 Field Botany

(2-3-4) Prerequisite: BIOL 1108 or permission of instructor. This course is intended to provide students with a field-oriented, interpretive introduction to botany in the regional outdoors. Emphasis is given to identification, uses, habit, habitat, and communities of flowering plants, in the context of local terrestrial and aquatic environments, while recognizing their global/worldwide distribution.


ENSC 4770 Field Ornithology

(2-4-4) Prerequisite: BIOL 2800 or BIOL 3700. An introduction to field techniques for studying birds, e.g., field identification by sight and song, census taking, developing a field study. (This course is equivalent to BIOL 4770). Additional laboratory fee required; see semester course schedule for amount.


ENSC 4780 Freshwater Biology

(3-2-4) Prerequisite: BIOL 2800. The study of freshwater organisms, their identification, natural history, and environmental relationships. Particular emphasis will be given to lotic systems. (This course is equivalent to BIOL 4780). Additional laboratory fee required; see semester course schedule for amount.


ENSC 4785 Eco of Wetland Ecosystems

(3-2-4) Prerequisite: BIOL 2800. This course introduces students to the principles of wetland science and our practices in managing them, with emphasis on the ecosystem perspective. Students will be expected to develop an understanding of physical, chemical, and biological aspects of wetlands including the processes that form wetlands and their associated plant and animal communities and how we manage these ecosystems. This course is equivalent to BIOL 4785. Additional laboratory fee required; see semester course schedule for amount.


ENSC 4795 Aquatic Ecology

(3-2-4) Prerequisite: BIOL 2800. This is an advanced course designed to familiarize students with the ecology of freshwater and coastal ecosystems (both "lotic" and "lentic"). This course will introduce students to field and laboratory techniques, current theory regarding structure and function, important areas of research and applied issues regarding conservation and management of aquatic habitats. The course will consist of a mixture of lectures and group discussions, coupled with field and laboratory exercises. This course is equivalent to BIOL 4795. Additional laboratory fee required; see semester course schedule for amount.


ENSC 4860 Vertebrate Field Techniques

(2-4-4) Prerequisites: BIOL 1108. A survey of field techniques used to sample nongame wildlife to include experimental design, data collection, field notes, and final report writing. Group field project required. (This course is equivalent to BIOL 4860). Additional laboratory fee required; see semester course schedule for amount.


ENSC 4890 Capstone: Mtds Biodivers Study

(3-2-4) Prerequisite: Senior Standing. A senior level field-intensive course designed to allow the student to draw on knowledge and skills gained from previous courses. The course is designed to allow the student to implement experimental design, instrumentation, sampling techniques, and general methodologies needed to implement and complete a field based research project on a naturally occurring vertebrate population. Also, methods of reporting the results of the research in a manuscript form and orally will be required by the student. This course satisfies the course option for a senior capstone in biology or environmental science. This course is repeatable for credit. This course is equivalent to BIOL 4890. Additional laboratory fee required; see semester course schedule for amount.


ENSC 4950 Special Topics

(VAR 1-4) Consideration of topics in which courses are not offered otherwise, but for which there is current need. Subject matter varies. This course is repeatable for credit.

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ENSC 4951 Special Topics w/ Lab

(3-2-4) Consideration of topics in which courses are not offered otherwise, but for which there is current need. Subject matter varies. This course is repeatable for credit. Additional laboratory fee required; see semester course schedule for amount.


ENSC 4952 Special Topics Capstone

(3-0-3) Prerequisite: Senior Standing. This course counts towards senior capstone requirement for Environmental Science majors. The goal of a senior capstone is to allow students to bring together knowledge gained from specific subareas of their majors and other disciplines for the integrative understanding of the science and the global understanding of the world around them. Although each course will have specific requirements and learning outcomes, in general writing, primary literature reading and oral communication components will be highly emphasized. This course is repeatable for credit.


ENSC 4953 Special Topics Cap w/Lab

(3-2-4) Prerequistie: Senior Standing. This course counts towards senior capstone requirement for Environmental Science majors. The goal of a senior capstone is to allow students to bring together knowledge gained from specific subareas of their majors and other disciplines for the integrative understanding of the science and the global understanding of the world around them. Although each course will have specific requirements and learning outcomes, in general writing, primary literature reading and oral communication components will be highly emphasized. This course is repeatable for credit. Additional laboratory fee required; see semester course schedule for amount.


ENSC 4960 Internship

(VAR 1-6) Prerequisite: Selection for participation in a University-approved internship program. An individually designed off-campus course involving study, research, and/or work in a science position. This course is repeatable for credit.

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ENSC 4961 Internship Capstone

(3-0-3) Prerequisite: Senior standing. An improved internship that directly relates to the Environmental Science curriculum. This course counts towards the senior capstone requirement for Environmental Science majors. Students should work with the Georgia College Career Center, their faculty mentor and their professional advisor to complete the necessary paperwork before they begin their internship. A performance report from the on-site supervisor and a formal presentation of internship experiences are expected. Credit is granted for work conducted in the concurrent semester.


ENSC 4980 Study Abroad

(VAR 1-15) Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor. This course can count as a capstone for environmental science seniors. Course topics will vary depending on the instructor and location of the course. This course is repeatable for credit. (This course is equivalent to BIOL 4980.)

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ENSC 4996 ENSC Research Methods

(3-0-3) Prerequisite: Senior Standing. This course counts towards senior capstone requirement for Environmental Science majors. The goal of a senior capstone is to allow students to bring together knowledge gained from specific subareas of their majors and other disciplines for the integrative understanding of the science and a global perspective. Research must last a minimum of two consecutive semesters. Writing in appropriate format and formal presentation of research results are expected.


ENSC 4999 Undergraduate Research

(VAR 0-4) Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor. This course can count as a capstone for environmental science seniors. Specific course topics will vary depending on the instructor. Students will take part in advanced undergraduate research projects that pertain to environmental science. This course is repeatable for credit. This course is equivalent to BIOL 4999.

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