Undergraduate Catalog 2024-2025


PSYC 4000 Theories of Personality

Prerequisite: PSYC 1101 and classification as a junior or senior. An exposure to the personality theories of psychoanalysis, behaviorism, and humanism. Students will examine their own intrinsic personality theories and how such theories impact the way they view themselves, others like them, and others different from them.


PSYC 4055 Psyc of Stress & Adaptive Func

Prerequisite: PSYC 1101 and classification as a junior or senior. A coverage of the psychological and physiological aspects of stress, positive adaptation to stress, and the consequences of prolonged exposure to stress. Course coverage will include an examination of techniques for coping with stress.


PSYC 4100 Adv Learning: Special Topics

Prerequisite: C or better in PSYC 3100. An in depth examination into a special topic in the psychology of learning including, but not limited to major learning theories or results of research in learning.


PSYC 4200 Adv Abnormal: Special Topic

Prerequisite: C or better in PSYC 3200. An in depth examination of special topics in abnormal psychology including, but not limited to causative factors in the development of psychological maladjustment, and diagnostic and treatment techniques.


PSYC 4300 Adv Beh Neurosci:Spec Topics

Prerequisite: C or better in PSYC 3300. An in-depth examination of the biological bases of behavior. Precise topics will be identified at the beginning of each term by the faculty member teaching that particular section of the course, but may include topics such as sleep and dreaming, emotions and aggression, biological bases of psychopathology, language and cognition, and biological aspects of learning and memory. Emphasis on chosen topics will vary with the background of each professor.


PSYC 4400 Adv Cognitive: Special Topic

Prerequisite: C or better in PSYC 3400. An in depth examination of a special topics in cognitive psychology including, but not limited cognitive theories and processes such as attention, memory, perception, thinking, and language.


PSYC 4500 Adv Social: Special Topic

Prerequisite: C or better in PSYC 3500. An in-depth examination of an advanced topic in social psychology including but not limited to theories and research in human interpersonal relations, group dynamics, social cognition, attributions, prosocial behaviors, aggression, attitudes, and social processes.


PSYC 4600 Adv Developmental: Spec Topic

Prerequisite: C or better in PSYC 3600. An in-depth examination of advanced topics in developmental psychology including, but not limited to the nature of physical, perceptual, cognitive, social, and emotional developments from conception throughout the lifespan.


PSYC 4920 Senior Seminar in Psychology

Prerequisites: Status as a senior psychology major and grade of C or better in at least three of the 3000-level PSYC courses required for the major. This will satisfy the capstone requirement for psychology majors. This course will include discussions and demonstration of knowledge and application in major areas of psychology.


PSYC 4940 Independent Study

Prerequisites: Classification as a psychology major and permission of the Department Chair. Grading: S/U. Individually arranged advanced study in a special area of psychology, including laboratory apprenticeships, which are not addressed in regular classes. Arrangements must be completed with the supervising faculty member and approved by the department Chairperson. This course is repeatable for credit.

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PSYC 4950 Advanced Topics Seminar

Prerequisite: PSYC 1101 and classification as a junior or senior. The intensive study of selected topics in psychology. Student reports and discussion will be required, and an emphasis will be placed upon the inter-relationships of theory and empirical research. A course with this number but covering a unique topic is repeatable for credit.


PSYC 4960 Internship

Prerequisites: PSYC 1101 and PSYC 2700 and PSYC 2800. Status as a senior psychology major, an institutional GPA of 2.5 or higher, and permission of the Department Internship Coordinator. An individually designed and planned learning experience involving off-campus field experience in the private or public sector. This course is repeatable for credit.

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PSYC 4970 Senior Thesis

Prerequisites: Status as a senior psychology major and permission of the Department Chair. Independent research, writing, and presentation of an original project in psychology developed in conjunction with a faculty supervisor and thesis committee. Arrangements must be completed with the supervising faculty member and approved by the Department Chair.


PSYC 4990 Senior Research Capstone

Prerequisites: Senior status, Permission of Instructor, and Permission of Department Chair. Two (2) hours lecture, two (2) hours laboratory. An advanced study of the research methodologies used in the behavioral sciences. Individual student research projects and reports are required. This course is non-repeatable for credit.


PSYC 4999 Adv Research Methodology

Prerequisites: Status as a senior psychology major and permission of the instructor. Grading: S/U. Two (2) hours lecture, two (2) hours laboratory. An advanced study of the research methodologies used in the behavioral sciences. Individual student research projects and reports are required. This course is repeatable for credit.

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