Undergraduate Catalog 2023-2024

Choosing a Major

Pre-professional programs are career choices, not academic majors. For this reason students may choose a variety of majors in preparation for professional school as long a s they complete the required pre-requisitie coursework for admission. Many professional school programs, particularly in those in the health field, require a certain set of pre-requistites for admission but do require a specific major. For instance, you could major in English because it is yourfavorite subject but take the correct pre-requisites to be a competitive candidate for medical school. The liberal arts education that students receive at Georgia College is an asset to any professional school applicant.

Pre-professional students should major in a subject they enjoy and excel in so that they can perform well academically. In addition, students should consider a major that offers a wide of variety of career options in the event that they choose to change career paths.