Undergraduate Catalog 2023-2024

Planning for Career Flexibility

Students who are pursuing a pre-professional track should understand the competitive nature of the professional school application process. For this reason, students should take advantage of services provided through the Pre-Professional and Graduate School Program in the Career Center as soon as they matriculate into Georgia College. By partnering with the pre-professional advisors in the Career Center and working closely with an academic advisor, students can identify early if their academic progress makes them competitive for a professional program. If students identify academic challenges early, they can work with the Career Center to explore new majors and career options or discuss other focus areas within their current major with their academic advisor and faculty mentors. The Career Center can also work with students to identify additional professional and graduate programs that could be a better fit for someone who realizes that their initial plan may not be the best fit for them. During the application process, the Career Center can also assist individuals with identifying alternate plans if they do not get into their program of choice the first time.