Undergraduate Catalog 2023-2024


Suggested major: Biology

The optometrist is licensed to examine, diagnose, and treat conditions of the visual system, and to prescribe corrective lenses or vision therapy. Optometrists also often detect other diseases, including glaucoma, cataract, diabetes, hypertension, and arteriosclerosis, and refer patients to appropriate specialists for treatment. Most optometrists engage in private practice, but careers also exist in government service, teaching, and research in optics, physiology, and public health.

Application to Optometry School

There are no optometry schools in Georgia, and only a few out-of-state schools admit non-resident students. The preoptometry student should obtain information from individual optometry schools and also consult the advisor for this area before preparing applications. Most optometry schools require the Optometry Admission Test (OAT), which require an on-line application. The OAT consists of multiple-choice items distributed across a battery of four tests: the Survey of the Natural Sciences, Reading Comprehension, Physics, and Quantitative Reasoning Tests. Application to optometry school should be made about a year in advance of the intended entry date. However, it is important to have completed coursework in mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology prior to taking the exam as it examines the applicant's knowledge in all four of these areas.