Undergraduate Catalog 2023-2024


Suggested majors: Any major is acceptable; Philosophy, Political Science, Rhetoric and History are most popular.

Many law school graduates enter private practice, while others work for corporations and in branches of civil service from the local to federal level. Beginning pre-law students are advised to obtain a copy of the Prelaw Handbook (available on line) and to consult it regularly throughout their college career.

Law schools require that applicants have a college degree as a prerequisite for admission. However, legal educators agree that the development of habits and skills conducive to legal reasoning are more important than the choice of major and subject matter. Undergraduate courses should be geared to the development of (1) verbal skills, (2) habits of thoroughness, intellectual curiosity, and scholarship, (3) the ability to organize and communicate information, and (4) a diverse cultural background. Law school educators recommend that pre-law students take courses that offer opportunities for (1) a variety of reading assignments selected from well-directed class discussion, (2) ample preparation and criticism of written and oral reports, and (3) independent research projects and essay examinations. The liberal arts curriculum at Georgia College has been designed to promote development in these areas. Pre-law students who are eligible to participate in the Honors and Scholars Program should take advantage of the small group settings of honors seminars and other honors activities. These will prove invaluable in furthering the development of the previously noted skills. Leaders of the bench and bar have been asked in questionnaires which pre-law subjects they consider most valuable. In order of preference they listed English, government, economics, American history, mathematics, and philosophy. Accounting and public speaking are also recommended.

Application to Law School

A prelaw student should take the Law School Aptitude Test (LSAT) in the summer following her junior year. Undergraduate grades and LSAT scores are the most important criteria in law school admissions. Application to law school is made through a centralized Law School Data Assembly Service (LSDAS) the summer following the junior year. Most law schools admit new students only in the fall semester.