Undergraduate Catalog 2023-2024

World Languages and Cultures

Chair: Libby Murphy

Professors: David de Posada, Hedwig Fraunhofer, Libby Murphy

Associate Professors: Aurora Castillo-Scott,  Aaron Castroverde, Brantley Nicholson

Assistant Professors:, Daniel Holcombe
Senior Lecturer: Juan "Tony" Alcarria
Lecturers: Diana Diaz Gómez, Lee Kirven, Moussa Seck, Mariana Stoyanova

Department Contact Information:

Georgia College

World Languages and Cultures
Campus Box 46
Milledgeville, GA 31061

Chair, Libby Murphy, libby.murphy@gcsu.edu
Administrative Assistant, Susan Hurst, susan.hurst@gcsu.edu

Language Resource Center Coordinator, Audrey Redmond, audrey.redmond@gcsu.edu


The Department of World Languages and Cultures (WLC) is central to the Liberal Arts mission of Georgia College, encouraging and cultivating literary, linguistic, and intercultural competence, academic achievement, critical thinking, and a broader understanding of global issues. WLC is vital to the internationalization of the curriculum at GC, offering instruction in languages, literatures, and cultures in the classroom and beyond. We also offer study abroad programs, a state-of-the art language lab, community outreach activities, and clubs for motivated French and Spanish students.

We are committed to teaching languages in their cultural contexts and to preparing students to function effectively in today’s globally connected world. Our coursework is designed to heighten students’ intellectual and linguistic flexibility and to foster creative thinking by exploring communicative language systems other than English and the social, cultural, political, and historical manifestations of the diverse societies that use those language systems. We aim to help our students develop into skilled and critical readers of texts, into clear, effective, and persuasive writers and speakers, and into interculturally-informed, ethical, and empathetic global citizens and local community members. 

Our department offers compelling and innovative target-language coursework and encourages students to make connections between their WLC major and second major. Students may count toward their WLC major up to three courses from outside of WLC having a global language, culture, society, or skills component that complements the student’s target-language WLC coursework. A well-rounded WLC degree includes a study abroad experience and liberal arts coursework in a) literature and the other arts, in b) culture, society, and history of the early modern and modern and contemporary periods, c) intercultural communication in professional contexts, and d) service and applied learning. 

Student Success

Achieving linguistic and intercultural proficiency is a significant achievement that requires dedication and tremendous effort by each student. Our department offers several programs to help students majoring in World Languages and Cultures succeed. 

The Language Resource Center provides free peer-tutoring, resources, and programming to support the learning of languages and cultures. A faculty mentor program pairs WLC majors with faculty members who meet with majors over the course of each semester to discuss their personal and professional goals, including study abroad, and to offer support and guidance. The WLC faculty offer further opportunities for student growth by mentoring students in undergraduate research and assisting them in the preparation of conference presentations. The department organizes both informal social activities and more formal lectures and presentations to encourage faculty and student interaction. Our clubs and peer-tutoring program create a learning community that is welcoming, supportive, and enjoyable. 

Career Information

Students with advanced language and intercultural skills find employment in government or foreign service, travel and hospitality, public or private schools, higher education, banking, journalism, religious ministry, and international business, just to mention a few areas.  Recent graduates are teaching in Georgia, other states, and overseas; completing masters and PhD programs; working in local, state, and federal government agencies, and working for non-profit or mission organizations both in the US and abroad.

Minors Programs

In addition to the minors offered in Spanish Language and Culture and French Language and Culture, coursework may also be applied toward the completion of one of many other minors at Georgia College with an international focus, including the Women and Gender Studies Minor, International Studies Minor, and Latin American, Caribbean, and Latino/a Studies Minor.

Study Abroad

78% of employers list intercultural skills and an understanding of societies and cultures outside of the US as among the most sought-after skills in the workforce. An immersive experience in the target language and culture boosts linguistic proficiency and develops intercultural skills. Research has shown that the strongest determining factor in significantly improving foreign language proficiency is a period of study and living in an environment where the language is spoken.

The Department of World Languages and Cultures strongly recommends that all majors participate in a study-abroad program. Faculty from the department lead summer study-abroad programs in Cuenca, Spain and Santiago, Chile, and are actively developing new study-abroad programs. Information on these programs and on semester-long programs offered within the USG and by approved third-party partners is available from the International Education Center.

Students considering study abroad should start planning for the experience as early as possible, and should speak with their major advisor and the study-abroad advisors at the International Education Center. Majors and minors must receive approval from the Chairperson of World Languages and Cultures before registering for a study abroad program.

MAT in Secondary Education

World Languages and Cultures teachers are in high demand in the state of Georgia.  Students who wish to prepare for P-12 teacher certification in French or Spanish can continue their studies at Georgia College with the Master of Arts in Teaching. For information, please visit the M.A.T. website.

Clubs and Honor Societies

All students are encouraged to become members of the Spanish Club or the French Club. Students meeting certain requirements are invited to become members of Kappa Psi, the local chapter of Sigma Delta Pi, the National Collegiate Hispanic Honor Society or of Xi Upsilon, the local chapter of Pi Delta Phi, the National French Honor Society.