Undergraduate Catalog 2023-2024

Government and Sociology

Chair: Scott Buchanan

Professors: Scott Buchanan, Roger Coate, Carrie Cook, Henry Edmondson, Sandra Godwin, Brandy Kennedy, Stephanie McClure, Costas Spirou, Veronica Womack

Associate Professors: Sara Buck Doude, Steven Elliott-Gower, Min Su Kim, Bradley Koch, Alesa Liles
Assistant Professors: Kelley Ditzel, Max Harleman, Adam Lamparello, Matheson Sanchez

Senior Lecturer: Benjamin Clark, Claire Sanders, Eryn Viscarra, Clifton Wilkinson

Department Contact Information:

Georgia College
Government & Sociology
Campus Box 18
Milledgeville, GA 31061

Chair, Scott Buchanan, scott.buchanan@gcsu.edu

Senior Administrative Assistant, Kim Smith, kim.smith1@gcsu.edu


The fundamental mission of the Department of Government and Sociology is to promote critical reflection and the advancement of knowledge by its faculty and students. The faculty are dedicated to the integrative character of the liberal arts and to the primary role played by the social science disciplines within the liberal arts. The various programs of the department share a focus on challenging students to analyze their roles as active citizens and prospective public servants in a democratic society and the international community. The faculty strive to teach students to think critically, to understand the philosophical and scientific foundations of the social science disciplines, to be able to communicate their understandings, and to be prepared for life and work in a rapidly changing world.

The Department of Government and Sociology offers strong undergraduate majors in three basic and related social science disciplines: Criminal Justice, Political Science, and Sociology. Anthropology is also part of the department and offers students the opportunity to minor in an important field that is fundamental to the liberal arts.

The Department of Government and Sociology is the home of the nationally accredited Master of Public Administration program and the Master of Science in Criminal Justice program, and has been awarded chapters of the national honor societies in Criminal Justice and Political Science. Faculty in those disciplines and in Sociology have been recognized with outstanding teaching and service awards and are active scholars in their fields. Students in the department have opportunities to become involved in faculty research and public service projects and also have internship opportunities with a variety of governmental and non-profit agency.

Student Success

Earning a college degree is a significant milestone in life and requires dedication to studies and tremendous effort to succeed. In order to enable students to achieve this goal, the Department of Government and Sociology is dedicated to developing measures that help ensure student success in our department's programs. This process begins with the First-Year Academic Seminar (POLS 0001, CRJU 0001, SOCI 0001), in which new students are introduced to the faculty and students who make up the departmental community. Students will join with other first-year students to get an overview of the subject matter covered in the major, explore career possibilities, and to develop techniques for getting the most out of college courses and activities. Students will also learn about departmental and University expectations, policies, and resources. Because the college experience at Georgia College is more intense than at many other schools, we have designed each curriculum to help students each step of the way. In addition, we are committed to offering the courses necessary to ensure that students who follow the program of study will graduate in four years. Toward that end, a typical four-year program of study has been developed, which serves as a guide each term for scheduling courses. Required courses are specified, and some sequencing of courses is recommended. Students are advised to enroll in an average of 30 semester hours each year.

Career Information

The Criminal Justice and Political Science programs are for people interested in careers in government administration and policy making, criminal justice administration and law enforcement, foreign service, law, and teaching. Many private sector employers find the knowledge base and analytical skills developed by Political Science and Criminal Justice majors to be valuable. The baccalaureate degrees will also prepare those students who wish to pursue subsequent graduate degrees in criminal justice, political science, public administration, public policy, urban planning, and law. The Master of Arts in Teaching, Master of Education, and Specialist in Education degree programs provide fifth and sixth-year certification to those who wish to have a teaching content concentration in broad field social science.

Qualified undergraduates in any discipline who wish to continue attending Georgia College can enroll in the department's graduate programs, including the Master of Public Administration (M.P.A., accredited by the Network of Schools of Public Policy, Affairs, and Administration (NASPAA)), and the Master of Science in Criminal Justice program.

Students with undergraduate majors in Sociology find employment in a wide variety of areas. Social service agencies especially find a sociology background to be useful. Examples would include family and children services agencies, centers for the mentally and physically disabled, hospitals, nursing homes, probation and correctional systems, vocational rehabilitation facilities, etc. Many private sector employers find the knowledge base and analytical skills developed by sociology majors to be valuable, and persons aspiring to the ministry find a sociology background helpful for their further study. Many sociology majors pursue graduate study, in fields such as sociology, social work, criminal justice, public administration, business, urban planning, law, and others.

Teacher Certification

Students who wish to pursue teacher certification with a field in broad field social science through GC's Four-Plus-One program, which allows the student to receive both certification and the M.A.T. degree, should pursue a B.A. in political science first. In addition, the department recommends that students join the Future High School Educators Club in order to start making contacts in the College of Education and to learn more about this Masters of Arts in Teaching (M.A.T.) degree. Students who would like to pursue teacher education through the M.A.T. are encouraged to take the following courses in their undergraduate programs: EDUC 2110 Investigating Critical and Contemporary Issues in Education; ANTH 1102 Introduction to Anthropology; GEOG 4305 Cultural Geography; HIST 1131 and HIST 1132 World Civilization and Society I and II; HIST 2111 The United States to 1877; HIST 2112 The United States since 1877; POLS 1150 Politics and Society; POLS 2401 Introduction to International Relations; POLS 3501 Comparative Politics; POLS 4110 Ancient and Medieval Political Theory; POLS 4111 Modern Political Theory; POLS 4121 American Political Thought II; POLS 4611 Contemporary International Problems; PSYC 1101 Introduction to General Psychology; PSYC 2101 Introduction to the Psychology of Adjustment; SOCI 1121 Sociological Perspectives; SOCI 3444 Theories of Racial Stratification.

For more information on this program, inquire at the office of the Dean of the College of Education, 222-C Kilpatrick, phone (478) 445-4546.

Carl Vinson Chair of Political Science and Public Administration.

Vinson's political career began in Milledgeville where he served as County Prosecutor and Judge.  He also served as a state legislator. Vinson's national career in the House of Representatives began in November 1914, just days before his thirty-first birthday, a post he would hold until 1964 -- 50 consecutive years. During his tenure in the House, Vinson served under nine Presidents, from Wilson to Johnson.  Vinson's signature theme was military preparedness and national security.  His leadership style was unassuming yet effective.  Vinson was not only a great leader, but also was widely known as a man of integrity.  The Carl Vinson Chair of Political Science and Public Administration was established on November 18, 1980. The purpose of the Carl Vinson Chair of Political Science and Public Administration is to enrich the education of Georgia College students, support the activity of the faculty of the Department of Government and Sociology, deepen the academic life of the university, and promote the life and legacy of Congressman Carl Vinson. 


The department recommends that students consider an internship in their junior or senior years. Internships provide an opportunity for career testing. They also serve as entry into certain work areas. They provide an opportunity for students to experience the real world of work and to develop realistic attitudes toward work and toward a career.

Internships earn variable credit, usually 3-9 hours, depending on the hours worked and the merits of each position.

Students desiring an internship should discuss their goals with their major's internship coordinator and the Director of the University Career Center. Arrangements should be made in advance of the advising and registration period. Internships are available during all terms of the academic year. To be eligible, students must have at least a 2.5 academic grade point average. Internships are available in a variety of settings, such as the Georgia College in Washington program, the Georgia state legislature, the Georgia Bureau of Investigation, many other state agencies, local governments, and law firms.

Graduate/Law School

Students planning to attend graduate school in any social science discipline should take the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) Aptitude Test, in the spring of the junior year or the fall of the senior year. Other graduate programs (e.g., business, medicine) may require other aptitude tests. Students planning to attend law school should consult with the pre-law advisor in the Government and Sociology Department or the University's Pre-professional Coordinator. Students should understand that there is no pre-law major per se. The political science major with a concentration in legal studies is an especially helpful background for further study of the law, as are the criminal justice and sociology majors, but law schools accept students with good grades and high scores on the Law School Admissions Test (LSAT) regardless of major. Most students planning on law school take the LSAT in the spring or summer of their junior years or the fall of their senior years. Some students find that taking a course in Logic and Critical Thinking (such as PHIL 2250) can be helpful in preparing for the LSAT.