Undergraduate Catalog 2023-2024


Chair: Robert Blumenthal

Professors: Angel Abney, Martha Allen, Robert Blumenthal, Marcela Chiorescu, Susmita Sadhu

Associate Professors: Guy Biyogman, George Cazacu, Rodica Cazacu, Rachel Epstein, Jebessa Mijena, Brandon Samples, Doris Santarone, Simplice Tchamna-Kouna, Hong Yue

Assistant Professors:  

Senior Lecturer: Kenneth Flowers, Nasser Navider

Lecturer: James Baugh 

Department Contact Information:

Georgia College


Campus Box 17

Milledgeville, GA 31061


Chair, Robert Blumenthal, robert.blumenthal@gcsu.edu

Administrative Assistant, Frances Sanford, frances.sanford@gcsu.edu


As one of the fundamental liberal arts disciplines, mathematics is an essential area of inquiry for any educated citizen. By empowering students with the skills of logical and analytical thinking, creative problem solving, and quantitative reasoning, the study of mathematics is a cornerstone in a liberal arts education. Furthermore, the history, applications, and aesthetics of mathematics cement its place in our shared cultural heritage. For these reasons, the mission of the Department of Mathematics is to create and provide meaningful intellectual pursuits for students of the University with the aforementioned ideas in mind. To this end, the Department strives for excellence in teaching and strives for academic and extracurricular activities that arouse students' natural curiosity, provide them an intellectually challenging environment, and foster their academic growth.

The Department of Mathematics serves the mathematical needs of the entire University community. The Department offers a broad range of courses designed to prepare students for careers or advanced study for those pursuing degrees in mathematics, engineering, or mathematics education. For students whose major incorporates a significant mathematical component, e.g. in the physical sciences, economics, and education, the Department offers a curriculum that meets the special needs of these groups. For all those studying mathematics as part of the general requirements of a broad based liberal arts education, the department offers courses that support the mission of the University and cultivate the skills indicated above. Lastly, the Department of Mathematics provides an atmosphere for its faculty that encourages excellence in teaching, scholarship, and service because the dedication, enthusiasm, and support of its faculty are all necessary for the Department to thrive and achieve the goals stated herein.

Student Success

Earning a college degree is a significant achievement and requires dedication and tremendous effort by each student. Several programs have been developed to help students majoring in Mathematics to succeed. The First Year Academic Seminar (MATH 0001) provides an introduction to department faculty, departmental and University expectations, policies, resources, and opportunities following graduation (i.e. graduate school, career paths). The department conducts informal social activities and presentations by faculty and guest speakers to encourage faculty and student interaction. The department newsletter, Sum News, serves to inform, acknowledge and encourage student majors to become involved in activities related to the major such as mathematics competitions and professional meetings. The academic honor society Kappa Mu Epsilon has been organized to encourage and provide a supporting network for the student body. In addition, the department is committed to offering the courses necessary to ensure that each student has the opportunity to complete all degree requirements in four years. A four year plan for each degree option serves as a guide in course selection, identifying required courses and recommended course sequencing. These plans are available in the main department office and can be downloaded from the department Web page at http://www.gcsu.edu/math

Career Information

Professional schools (e.g. law and medical), businesses, government, and industry recognize that mathematics majors are problem solvers and are highly skilled in the use of logic and reasoning. A degree in Mathematics opens many careers that are closed to those without quantitative skills. Actuarial Science stands as one major example. Moreover, the demand for mathematics in education-especially in secondary schools-is tremendous. In fact, the chronic nation-wide shortage of mathematics teachers is due in part to the demand in so many other areas for talented mathematics majors.

The Department encourages its students who have a particular interest in another discipline to obtain a minor in that field along with their major in Mathematics. By the same token, students in other disciplines can pursue a minor in mathematics. The inclusion of a minor significantly broadens the educational experience and substantially enhances career opportunities.

Teacher Certification

Students who wish to pursue teacher certification in mathematics through the Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT), which allows the student to receive both certification and a Master's degree, should complete a B.S. in Mathematics first. In addition, the department recommends that the student contact the College of Education to learn more about the MAT degree.

Student Organizations

The Department hosts an active Math Club and the Georgia Beta chapter of the honor society Kappa Mu Epsilon (KME), which recognizes academic excellence in mathematics. The department also has a student chapter of the Association for Women in Mathematics.

Scholarships and Awards

Each year Mathematics majors have the opportunity to apply for Sara Nelson Scholarships, endowed by the estate of Dr. Sara Nelson, former Mathematics professor and Department Chair. In addition to receiving a scholarship to support their study in Mathematics at Georgia College, Sara Nelson Scholars are recognized in a ceremony. The outstanding graduating senior is selected for recognition as the Department Outstanding Student. In addition, seniors are eligible for selection to receive the Joanne Mayberry Mathematics Prize, awarded each year to an outstanding graduating student in Mathematics.