Undergraduate Catalog 2023-2024

Data Science Certificate

Undergraduate certificates may only be earned and will only be awarded in conjunction with a bachelor’s degree.  They will not be awarded as an independent credential. 

Information about the Department of Mathematics can be found on the department page.

Certificate Requirements

Core Courses

MATH 1401Elementary Statistics


MATH 4100Linear Regression


Total Credit Hours:6


Database Course

Satisfactorily complete one of the following courses:
BIOL 3800GI Science Tech-Landscape Ecol


ENSC 3800GI Science Tech-Landscape Ecol


GEOG 3100Intro Geographic Information


GEOG 4105Geospatial Data Management


CBIS 3214Intro to Database Management


CSCI 4710Databases


Total Credit Hours:3-4


Statistics or Computing Course

Satisfactorily complete one of the following courses:
PSYC 2700Stats Applied to Behavior Sci


MGMT 3101Applied Business Statistics


CRJU 4005Stat Analysisfor Crim Justice


POLS 4000Systematic Analysis


Total Credit Hours:3


Certificate Capstone

The goal of this capstone is for students to find a way of applying the things they learned in the Data Science certificate. Students will work one-on-one with a faculty mentor.  In each capstone, students must work on a real-world dataset with multiple variables that focuses on an important social issue. A presentation is required to complete and earn a certificate.

Successfully complete either an internship or undergraduate research course.

Total Credit Hours:3

Total Credit Hours: 15-16

Additional recommended coursework:

CSCI 1301 Computer Science I

CSCI 1302 Computer Science II

CBIS 4210 Business Application Development



  • Courses used to fulfill certificate requirements may also be used to fulfill core, major, minor, or other program requirements.

  • Federal financial aid will not pay for a certificate course unless that course is also necessary to complete a student's required number of hours for the bachelor's degree or another bachelor's degree requirement. Students should contact the Financial Aid Office if they have questions about their federal aid eligibility.