Undergraduate Catalog 2023-2024

ARTS 1110 Art and Ideas

This course addresses important themes in the history of art though an analytical study of major works of art and architecture. Students will engage with works of art by learning how to look at, think about, write about, and critically discuss their form, materials and techniques, meaning, function, theoretical concepts, and historical contexts. Course themes and works of art will vary according to the instructor.




This Core IMPACTS course is part of the Arts, Humanities, and Ethics (Humanities) area. Core IMPACTS is the University System of Georgia (USG) and GCSU core curriculum, which is designed to ensure that students acquire essential knowledge in foundational academic areas and develop career-ready competencies to support their broad academic and career goals.

This course should direct students toward this broad Orienting Question: How do I interpret the human experience through creative, linguistic, and philosophical works?

Course content, activities and exercises in this course should help students develop the following Career-Ready Competencies: Ethical Reasoning, Information Literacy, Intercultural Competence

Completion of this course should enable students to meet the following USG Core Learning Outcome: Students will effectively analyze and interpret the meaning, cultural significance, and ethical implications of literary/philosophical texts or of works in the visual/performing arts.

Completion of this course will also enable students to meet the following GCSU Core Learning Outcomes: 

  • Students will be able to explain how texts and works of art in the humanities address human experiences. 
  • Students will be able to evaluate multiple perspectives on ethical issues.