Undergraduate Catalog 2023-2024


EDEX 3001 Field Placement I

This supervised experience involves placement in a P-12 setting with students with high incidence disabilities with access to the general education curriculum. The field experience provides teacher education candidates the opportunity to accomplish field-based requirements of program coursework and demonstrate growth towards mastery of program standards.


EDEX 3002 Field Placement II

This supervised experience involves placement in a P-12 setting with students with high incidence disabilities with access to the general education curriculum. The field experience provides teacher education candidates the opportunity to accomplish field-based requirements of program coursework and demonstrate growth towards mastery of program standards.


EDEX 3110 Foundations Special Education

This foundational course explores law relevant to special education, examines the nature and characteristics of disabilities, and introduces a response to intervention model for identifying and serving students with disabilities. This course meets state requirements of Georgia House Bill 671.


EDEX 3170 Culture, Ident & Divers Teach

This course familiarizes teacher candidates with cultural, racial, ethnic, socioeconomic, disability, and language differences they can expect to encounter in the classroom and in working with families. Additionally, this course asks pre-service teachers to explore and critique their own cultural identities, to investigate how their lenses are similar to, or different from those of their students as they begin to critically examine power, privilege, and marginalization in schools.


EDEX 3200 Foundations in Special Edu II

Prerequisite: EDEX 3110. Focus on the nature and characteristics of students with mild disabilities on general curriculum. Emphasis will be placed on the educational implications of the characteristics and the development of appropriate individualized education plans to address student needs.


EDEX 3220 Legal Issues in Special Ed

Legal issues as they relate to school based populations with disabilities are explored in conjunction with field placement classes.


EDEX 3269 Supp Lang & Comm-Diverse Learn

This course is an introduction to language needs in school age children with disabilities. The course explores the impact of culture and disability on language, the correlation between oral language and literacy, and collaborative approaches to service delivery. Express attention is given to assessment of language needs and evidence-based interventions within a response to intervention framework.


EDEX 3501 Literacy Strategies

Prerequisite: EDRD 3500. The central purpose of this course is to teach special education teacher candidates to select, examine, develop, and practice the application of research based interventions in content area reading and writing.