Undergraduate Catalog 2023-2024


EDEX 4000 Prof Dispositions in Spec Ed

Pre-requisite: Completion of 2nd semester in cohort. This course will providestudents with the skills they need to develop ethics and professional dispositions required of a special education teacher.


EDEX 4001 Field Placement III

This supervised experience involves placement in a P-12 setting with students with high incidence disabilities with access to the general education curriculum. The field experience provides teacher education candidates the opportunity to accomplish field-based requirements of program coursework and demonstrate growth towards mastery of program standards.


EDEX 4050 Diff Ind Inst Students w/Disab

This course guides teacher candidates through various aspects of individualized program development for p-12 students with disabilities. Emphasis is placed on accurately addressing the individual needs, learning styles, and interests of students using assessment data as the basis for each instructional decision.


EDEX 4123 Inst Strat & Proc-Mild Disabil

This course focuses on evidence-based instructional practices supportive of students with mild disabilities. Emphasis is placed on strategies and procedures for implementation.


EDEX 4124 Instr & Curr Plan-Mild Disabil

This course focuses on curricular planning and integration of strategies within curriculum to support and differentiate instruction for learners with mild disabilities.


EDEX 4223 Inclus & Collab Teach Spcl Edu

This course explores the philosophies, policies, and practices of inclusive education and collaborative teaching, with emphasis on teaching students with disabilities. Teacher candidates will be introduced to methods for effective co-planning and co-teaching, to state learning standards, and to basic principles for curriculum planning.


EDEX 4275 Individ & Classroom Management

The course is designed to promote skill development in evidence-based management strategies and interventions for individuals and groups of students across a variety of learning environments. Participants will develop an ability to discern individual and group dynamics to create a leaning environment that encourages positive social interactions, active engagement in learning, and self-management. A case study approach will be used to promote reflection, evaluation, synthesis, and application of principles learned.


EDEX 4276 Educational Assessment & Eval

An introduction to the assessment of students with disabilities using curriculum-based assessments, criterion-referenced assessment, and norm-referenced tests. Teacher candidates are required to administer, score, and interpret measures. Emphasis is on interpretation of assessment information for instructional decisions and Individualized Education Program development.


EDEX 4334 Teachers as Leaders

Course targets skills for teachers to lead in intervention and assessment decision-making by connecting theory and EBP. Teacher candidates will develop skills to evaluate student learning, identify evidence-based interventions to address student learning difficulties, collect data, make data-based decisions regarding instruction, and communicate effectively with fellow teachers, parents, and administrators within the response to intervention model.


EDEX 4494 Capstone Experience in Spec Ed

This culmination course requires demonstration of candidate accomplishment of knowledge, skills, and dispositions required for initial certification of special educators. Electronic standards-based portfolio submission and formal presentation to faculty are required. Additional capstone activities address preparation for employment searches and engagement in professional organization activities.


EDEX 4950 Special Topics

Readings, projects, or applied research in special education. Subject matter varies and must be approved by Department Chair. This course is repeatable for credit.


EDEX 4960 Student Teaching Internship

This supervised experience involves placement in a P-12 setting with students with high incidence disabilities with access to the general education curriculum. Extended full-time teaching and evaluation of teacher candidate preparation for teaching is required. A course fee is required for student teaching for the purpose of providing host teacher stipends.