Undergraduate Catalog 2023-2024

Philosophy B.A.

Information about the Department of Philosophy, Religion, and Liberal Studies can be found on the department page.

Philosophy is at the core of the liberal arts. Our program offers a wide variety of discussion based seminars in both Western and Non-Western philosophy. Working with primary texts, we help students to develop their critical thinking and writing skills. Our courses concentrate on issues which are relevant to students' lives such as how to live, the nature of justice, the role of reason and emotion in a good life and the meaning and role of art in our lives.

After graduation our students have gone on to graduate school, law school, the Peace Corps, non profit organizations and private industry.

Degree Requirements

Core Areas A-E

Satisfactorily complete core Areas A-E, as listed in the Core Curriculum section of this catalog.

Total Credit Hours:42


Area F

PHIL 2010Survey of Philosophy


PHIL 2020Logical & Critical Thinking


Foreign Language

0 - 9

Any 1000-2000 level course in ARTS, ECON, HIST, IDST, MUSC, POLS, PSYC, RELI, RHET, SOCI, or THEA


Total Credit Hours:18
PHIL 2010: unless already completed in Area C.
Foreign language requirement options include FREN 2002, GRMN 2002, ITAL 2002, and SPAN 2002. Up to three courses taken to complete this requirement may be used in Area F.
A course taken to satisfy an Area F requirement may not also be counted to satisfy a Major Requirement.
Any transfer student who has not completed the courses in Area F, or their equivalents, must take these courses at GC.


Major Requirements

Required Courses

Satisfactorily complete one course from three of the following five areas:
Area 1: Ethics
PHIL 4410Ethical Theory


PHIL 4680Environmental Ethics


PHIL 4950Special Topics


Area 2: History of Philosophy
PHIL 4605Existentialism


PHIL 4950Special Topics


Area 3: Non-Western Philosophy
PHIL 4305Myth, Magic and Psychoanalysis


PHIL 4420Philosophy of Religion


PHIL 4610Confucianism & Daoism


PHIL 4950Special Topics


Area 4: Philosophy of Art
PHIL 4310Phil of Art & Art of Living


PHIL 4950Special Topics



Area 5: Social and Political Philosophy
PHIL 4340Social & Political Philosophy


PHIL 4675Philosophy of Law


PHIL 4950Special Topics


Major Electives

Satisfactorily complete an additional 15 hours of 3000-4000 Philosophy courses. Students may use this area to complete optional concentrations in Aesthetics, Pre-Law, or Religion. Students may also substitute one course from a related discipline with the approval of the department chair.  
Total Credit Hours:15


Optional Aesthetics Concentration

Satisfactorily complete at least 12 hours from the following courses, distributed as follows:
Philosophy or Religion Courses
Satisfactorily complete a minimum of two courses from the following list:
PHIL 4310Phil of Art & Art of Living


RELI 3610Religion, Media and Culture


RELI 3700Religion and Science Fiction


Other Disciplines
Satisfactorily complete up to two additional courses from the following list:
ARTS 4950Special Topics


ARTS 4985Advanced Studio Problems


ENGL 4226Topics in Shakespeare


ENGL 4330Restoration & 18th Cent Lit


ENGL 4335English Romanticism


ENGL 4337Victorian Literature


ENGL 433819th-Century English Novel


ENGL 4440Modern Drama


ENGL 4740Women & Popular Culture


ENGL 4810Film Studies


ENGL 4820Jane Austen on Film


ENGL 4830Topics in Film, TV, New Media


MUSC 3650Jazz History


MUSC 3660American Music


MUSC 4800Studies in World Music


Optional Pre-Law Concentration

Students may complete a concentration in Pre-Law as part of their Philosophy major by completing the following courses.  These courses may be used toward electives in the major.

PHIL 4340Social & Political Philosophy


PHIL 4410Ethical Theory


PHIL 4675Philosophy of Law


PHIL 4680Environmental Ethics


Total Credit Hours:12


Optional Religion Concentration

Students may complete a concentration in Religion as part of their Philosophy major by completing four of the following courses.  These courses may be used toward electives in the major.

RELI 3950 Special Topics: History of Buddhism in Asia
PHIL 4950 Special Topics: Philosophy of Religion
RELI 3950 Special Topics: South Asian Buddhism
RELI 3940 Hindu Religious Tradition
PHIL 4950 Special Topics: Confucianism and Daoism
RELI 3310 The Hebrew Bible
RELI 3950 Special Topics: Introduction to Hinduism
HIST 4405 Religion in American History
SOCI 4950 Special Topics: Sociology of Religion

Total Credit Hours:12


Senior Capstone

Students will submit a research paper written in a Philosophy course to a conference or journal in consultation with the advisor.



For students who must take the 1001, 1002, and/or 2001 foreign language courses, these courses will be applied to electives and will reduce the total number of elective credits available.

Total Credit Hours:18-36


Total Credit Hours: 120

Other Requirements

  • A grade of C or better must be earned in each course that counts toward major requirements and in the senior capstone.
  • A minimum of 39 hours overall must be at the 3000-4000 level.
  • The first-year academic seminar must be completed with a satisfactory grade. Students who transfer to GCSU are exempt from this requirement.
  • Exit Survey / Information
  • Portfolio of papers to include Senior Thesis